Teller Report

Europa League. Lazio's winning comeback, Rennes bent 2-1 at the Olimpico

10/3/2019, 9:16:04 PM

Bad first time. The entry of Luis Alberto and Milinkovic-Savic changes the biancocelesti who suffer Morel's goal but react promptly: even the Serbian then packages the assist for the overtaking of Immobile


03 October 2019Lazio needs a slap (and graft of the owners) to get it right in Rennes. At the Olimpico the Biancocelesti win 2-1 in comeback and catch their breath in Pool E after the defeat in Romania. Inzaghi's team is 3 points after two games, together with Cluj (defeated by Celtic 2-0 in Glasgow). Scottish in the lead with 4, in the queue there are the French at 1.

Speculative teams with 3-5-2, Inzaghi starts without Milinkovic-Savic and Luis Alberto, there is Lulic on the left with Immobile and Caicedo (fresh from renewal) points. The game is born with soporific rhythms and it is the French who give the only accelerations worthy of note. The biancocelesti risk the penalty with Vavro and they would suffer one for the wide arm of Acerbi if in the competition there was the Var.

In the second half Inzaghi tries to move the match by inserting Milinkovic-Savic and Luis Alberto (for Cataldi and Berisha, ineffective) after a few minutes. A few minutes later, however, the French pass with Morel, who graces Grenier's punishment with power (55 '). Lazio swerves for a few minutes, then recovers and catches up with just the new entrants: Luis Alberto sees and serves Milinkovic-Savic in the area, left-footer in the Serbian and ball in the low corner (63 '). We finally see a game with good rhythms and Lazio grows. At 75 'Milinkovic-Savic becomes an assist man and bowl the cross that Immobile's head shot turns into gold. Overtaking. The Rennes tries to respond with the punishment of the neoentrato Borigeaud, Strakosha is not surprising. Then the right from outside Grenier does not frame the mirror. On the other hand, Mendy avoids Da Silva's own goal on corner action. Final with a thrill for a punishment from Grenier that lengthens the recovery to 6 minutes, the deviation of the barrier sweeps the fear.

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