Teller Report

Ecuador introduced emergency mode due to protests

10/3/2019, 8:49:15 PM

Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno, has declared a state of emergency due to protests that began after the government took economic measures.

“In order to protect order, peace and security of citizens and control those who are trying to wreak havoc, I declared a state of emergency at the national level,” he wrote on Twitter.

Las decisiones adoptadas ¡están en firme! He dispuesto el Estado de Excepción para precautelar el orden, la seguridad ciudadana y con el fin de controlar a quienes pretenden provocar caos. No accederemos a chantajes y actuaremos acorde a la ley. # NoAlParo # / sLVyIljQ7Y

- Lenín Moreno (@Lenin) October 3, 2019

Moreno also said that the government is ready for negotiations, but it "will not succumb to blackmail and will act in accordance with the law."

Ecuador previously announced its intention to leave OPEC from January 1, 2020.

According to the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources, the solution is related to "internal problems and problems related to budget stability."