Teller Report

The game goes into the endgame

10/1/2019, 5:16:02 PM

“Donald Trump has finally moved from words to deeds. If you believe the rumors circulating in Washington, his administration has been conducting its own unofficial investigation for some time now, studying the emails that former and current employees of the US State Department sent to Hillary Clinton. Rump Giuliani, a close friend and trusted lawyer, has been digging for several months under Joe Biden, implicated in dirty corruption schemes in Ukraine. And now, loyal to the president, senators have again brought up the topic of Ukraine’s interference in the 2016 elections. ”

On Monday, two respected US senators, Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley, wrote a letter to Attorney General William Barr. In this letter, senators called on the Department of Justice to verify “any ties” between Clinton and her team and Ukrainian politicians.

“The Department of Justice has not yet informed Congress and the American public about whether it has launched an investigation into relations and coordination between the Ukrainian government and those associated with the Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters or the Democratic National Committee. Ukraine’s attempts, with the support of an American political party, to intervene in the 2016 elections (in the US) should not be ignored, the senators write. - Have you investigated (Attorney General Barr. - K. B. ) the links and coordination between the Ukrainian government and those associated with the Hillary Clinton campaign or the US Democratic National Committee? And if not, then why? ”

This means that Donald Trump has finally moved from words to deeds. If you believe the rumors circulating in Washington, his administration has been conducting its own unofficial investigation for some time now, studying the emails that former and current employees of the US State Department sent to Hillary Clinton. Rump Giuliani, a close friend and trusted lawyer, has been digging for several months under Joe Biden, implicated in dirty corruption schemes in Ukraine. And now senators loyal to the president (Johnson leads the Senate Committee on National Security, and Grassley the Finance Committee) have again brought up the topic of Ukraine’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Again, because in July 2017, Chuck Grassley already sent a request to the Ministry of Justice about the activities of the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants Oleksandra Chalupa, who advised the Democratic Party’s national committee and handed over to him an analytical bureau Fusion GPS, the compromising evidence on Paul Manafort received through diplomatic channels from Kiev . From this, in fact, the notorious “Russian case” began, which initially appeared in the FBI documents as “an investigation of foreign influence in Trump’s environment” (I spoke about this in detail in the “Dark Secrets of Kiev” column). Chalupa was almost the first to cry out: “Wolves!”, Saying that there is a connection between Russia and the Trump campaign (all this was explained quite crookedly: before becoming the head of the Trump campaign, Manafort worked for Yanukovich, Yanukovych was a protege of Moscow, which means and Manafort with a high degree of probability, too).

I repeat: the activities of the indefatigable ukroamerikanitsa Chalupa raised questions from Republican senators in July 2017, when the notorious investigation of Mueller was just gaining momentum.

But then, at the head of the US Department of Justice was the good-natured southerner Jeff Sessions, who was most worried about being suspected of a conflict of interest: he immediately formally recused himself from investigating any cases related to Russia's accusation of interfering in the 2016 elections. Therefore, Chalupe was lucky - no one remembered her for more than two years.

However, in a letter to senators to the Prosecutor General, her name appears. “Why didn't the Justice Department demand that Alexander Chalup register as a foreign agent?” Johnson and Grassley ask.

Chalupa reacted instantly: “So, Chuck Grassley, are you calling for another investigation against me, Hillary Clinton, Ukraine, and also Biden?” Tell the public about your close relationship with Manafort. And what about your adviser Barbara Lidin, Flynn's good friend, mentioned in Mueller’s report? ”

In this boorish tweet (A. Chalupa addressed it to the US Senator!) The words “one more investigation” are noteworthy. You would think that such an investigation has ever been conducted, but no - all attempts by Trump supporters to lift the veil of secrecy over Hillary’s ties with the Ukrainian political elite have so far failed. Too powerful was the deep state resistance.

Now, it seems, the matter can still get off the ground. And Chalupa’s attempts to intimidate Senator Grassley by naming the names of Paul Manafort (who is in prison on charges of financial crimes) and especially Barbara Lidin (an adviser to the Senate Legal Committee, about whom “super prosecutor” Muller found out only that she was trying to find the missing letters to Hillary Clinton) , indicate that the "clintonites" themselves are close to panic.

Because Barbara Lidin, who is really familiar with Trump's first national security adviser Michael Flynn (her husband, Michael Lidin, was a co-author of the general - they wrote the book “Battlefield” together), got into Mueller’s investigation for a reason.

Back in December 2015 (when no one had thought about the future rivalry between Trump and Hillary), Barbara Lidin, who conducted her own investigation of the missing letters to Madame Secretary of State, turned to the famous investment banker, member of the U.S. Republican Party, Peter Smith.

Lidin wrote to Smith that, in her opinion, hackers connected with the strongest intelligence services in the world, including Russian and Chinese, hosted the Secretary of State’s server at home. But then Smith did not believe her.

However, after Donald Trump publicly invited Russia to find Clinton’s missing emails at a Florida campaign rally on July 27, 2016, General Flynn, who was already in the shadow cabinet of the Republican presidential candidate, contacted Smith. The general explained to the banker that Trump's appeal to Russia was not just a joke, and asked Smith to help. This time, Smith did not refuse.

In May 2017, Peter Smith gave an interview to The Wall Street Journal, in which he described his search for missing emails, which, in his opinion, had been specifically deleted from the Hillary Clinton server.

Smith contacted several well-known hacker groups, including Russians. In exchange for generous donations (hackers asked for $ 100 thousand, but Smith transferred $ 150 thousand to them), the hackers sent him part of the missing correspondence, but did not provide evidence of its authenticity.

In the end, Smith suggested that hackers transfer this information to WikiLeaks, which they did.

Smith gave the interview in early May 2017 (it was released only in June). And on May 14, 2017, Peter Smith, a successful investment banker, was found dead in a hotel room in Minnesota. Arriving at the scene, the police found in the room a "pile of papers", as well as a suicide note. In the note, Smith complained of declining health since January 2017, as well as ending health insurance worth $ 5 million.

On the one hand, Smith turned 81 years old - at this age, far from all can really boast of health. On the other hand, Smith was a very, very wealthy man, and it was clearly not a problem to buy new insurance for him.

And the day before his "suicide," Smith posted on his blog an entry in which he disputed the conclusions of the special services about Russia's interference in US elections.

Everything said that he did not finish with his personal investigation into the disappeared letters of Hillary Clinton.

And like many other people who posed a danger to Hillary, Peter Smith “committed suicide” by adding to the infamous “Clinton corpse list”, which currently includes about a hundred names (including the infamous millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, history which I described in the article “American Suicide”).

Therefore, what certainly would not be worth doing to Alexander Chalupe and other “Clintonites” is to bring out the story of Peter Smith. But Chalupa, who had become hysterical, did not find anything better than to remind Chuck Grassley of Barbara Lidin - the first to contact Smith with a request to find the missing letters to Hillary.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton came on the program "Late Show with Stephen Colbert" on CNN. And when Colbert asked her if she thinks in connection with Trump’s call to the President of Ukraine Zelensky that it was time to “lock him up,” Hillary, without hesitation, answered with a laugh: “Yes!” After which the audience amicably began to chant: “Lock him up! Lock him up! "

Of course, “Late Show”, in general, is not a serious show, but something like our “Evening Urgant” (which Colbert once appeared in the studio in 2017), but, as they say, there is only a fraction of a joke in every joke.

It seems that the fight in Washington has gone seriously. And the question now is not who will win the presidential election in 2020 (Hillary, by the way, will not run), but who will have time to plant someone first. Will Hillary be able to lead the fight for impeachment of Trump and expel him from the White House, or will Trump give a green light to the investigation of Hillary’s relations with Ukraine, during which at least several corpses from the “Clinton list” can emerge?

It’s time to bet.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.