Teller Report

So the minister wants to stop the scam companies

10/1/2019, 7:22:25 PM

Despite stricter procedures, suspected scam companies receive green light from the Swedish Companies Registration Office. Now Minister of Business Ibrahim Baylan (S) says that the Swedish Companies Agency has not done enough and that he wants to review the legislation.

SVT has previously told of companies that have inflated their figures significantly and have thus been able to make large purchases on credit.

According to eco-crime experts, it's all about pure scam.

But despite this, the figures submitted by the State Companies Agency are not checked.

- We have no investigative or controlling assignment. Our mission is to more or less directly publish the information in an annual report, says Annika Stenberg, Director General of the Swedish Companies Agency.

Want to use AI

Today, Business Minister Ibrahim Baylan (S) responds to SVT's disclosure.

- We must do everything in our power to prevent and prevent such activities, he tells SVT about the arrangement with the inflated figures.

He also warns that similar arrangements may increase further and wants authorities to digitize more and use AI (artificial intelligence) to detect cheating.

- I want you to change your way of working, he says.

Should the Swedish Companies Agency check the figures?

- According to its instructions, the Swedish Companies Agency is tasked with minimizing the risks of their activities being used for criminal purposes.

Ibrahim Baylan says he wants to sit down with the Swedish Companies Agency to see how they can improve control.

- Some positive things have happened, but that's not enough.

He also wants to review the laws.

- I would like to review these laws, they are not adapted to the digital life in which we live.