Teller Report

Police charge in Rome Metropolitane, bruised Stefano Fassina

10/1/2019, 7:34:02 PM

Stefano Fassina was injured during a demonstration by metropolitan Rome workers who wanted to prevent the delivery of the liquidation of the subsidiary. To cause the incident a charge of the police. Minister Lamorgese: check if correct intervention


01 October 2019The deputy and municipal councilor Stefano Fassina was injured during the crush in front of the Rome Metropolitane headquarters. The politician was crushed between a door and then fell. When the ambulances arrived in Via Tuscolana, Fassina was rescued by 118 personnel, an orthopedic collar was applied and he was taken to the San Giovanni hospital. Another woman was taken away in an ambulance after being left on the ground. The other involved trade unionists got away with minor bruises, Alberto Civica della Uil and Natale Di Cola of the Cgil.

Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese advised Police Chief Franco Gabrielli to "ascertain what happened today in front of the Rome Metropolitane headquarters where a demonstration by some workers was underway". The minister asked to "verify if the intervention of the present police forces was carried out correctly and without violations of the law".

To provoke the incident a charge without warning of the police forces under the Rome Metropolitane headquarters in via Tuscolana where some municipal councilors including the leader Pd Giulio Pelonzi and the left councilor for Rome Stefano Fassina had arrived leaving the Capitol to show solidarity with workers who risk losing their jobs due to the possible liquidation of the company. The charge of the police, which some present call "violent" was launched to force the cordon of workers that prevented Luca Pasqualino, from the staff of Capitoline councilor Gianni Lemmetti, to bring a package to the Assembly of members of Rome Metropolitane containing, according to the workers, the deed of disposal of the company.

The workers resisted the delivery, by the administration delegate, of the liquidation of the subsidiary company. In a dynamic yet to be clarified, according to the reconstructions of the workers present, with surprise for all, a charge of the police started without warning which overwhelmed the contact group between law enforcement and workers in garrison. The Fassina councilor, who was charged in an ambulance for medicare phases, was struck with force.

"What happened in front of the Rome Metropolitane office is very serious. Let it be immediately clear, we are close to workers, trade unionists, councilors and deputies". The secretary of the Pd Nicola Zingaretti writes it in a note.

"We asked for an urgent meeting with the Rome police chief. What happened is unheard of. What the police did to unarmed workers is intolerable. The political responsibility of Virginia Raggi is clear." Thus the general secretary of the CGIL Rome and Lazio, Michele Azzola, commenting on what happened.

"Very serious what happened today in Roma Metropolitane. Even more serious and inexplicable is the attitude of the police against peaceful protesters, including a parliamentarian of the Republic Stefano Fassina, forced to resort to medical treatment. We will present a question to know who authorized to violently force the peaceful protest of workers and trade unions and what measures are intended to be taken against those responsible ". This was stated by the leader of LeU in Montecitorio Federico Fornaro.

"He asked, also as a group, the Minister of the Interior, the Quaestor and the Prefect to know who gave the order to force a block of workers and municipal councilors that I remember are the owners of this building." Thus the leader of the Democratic Party in Campidoglio, Giulio Pelonzi.