Teller Report

Police: Small messy during AFS square meeting in Filipstad

10/1/2019, 8:01:08 PM

Five people were rejected and a report of fraud was made after two young women threw eggs at Alternative for Sweden members.

During the day, AFS member Jeff Ahl spoke and some 30 were in the square listening.

- There were also about 20 people with a different opinion on the scene, says police press communicator Christina Hallin.

According to police, there was some noise at the scene but no more serious incidents. The only crime was unsuccessful after two young women, born -00 and -03, threw eggs.

Five people who disturbed the square meeting were removed from the site for disturbing public order and freedom of assembly.

- Then you are put in one of our vehicles and driven from the place, says Christina Hallin.

According to a post on Alternative for Sweden's own Facebook page, people should also have thrown stones at a party member's car. The incident must have been reported as fraudulent.