Teller Report

Lasickene said that with every tournament it’s becoming more difficult for her to play in a neutral status

10/1/2019, 5:52:02 AM

Russian athlete Maria Lasitskene, performing in high jumps, said that with each start it becomes more and more difficult to perform under neutral status.

“Of course, this is all unpleasant, I want to win with the flag. This already bothers, with each tournament it’s more difficult, because you see how other girls are supported: in form, by flags, you can determine who is rooting for whom. And it even got on my nerves a bit today, so I completely closed and did not look at the stands, ”Tassi quotes Lasickiene.

Since December 2016, the IAAF has allowed Russian athletes who meet the stated criteria to compete in international competitions in neutral status. This is due to the suspension of the VFLA membership in the IAAF, which was renewed for the 12th time at the meeting of the IAAF Council, held on September 23.

Earlier, a video was published of the “golden” attempt by Lasicki at the World Cup in Doha.