Teller Report

Ice release for HV71 - crushed Linköping

10/1/2019, 7:22:20 PM

Nine goals in the opening six matches for HV71, but against Linköping the small landers found the right one. In the rivalry, there was a lot of ice for HV, who won by 5-0. - Great fun for the guys to get some payout, HV71 coach Stephan Lundh tells C More.

Considering how the opening six games looked for HV, it was probably many kilos that dropped from the team's shoulders when Nils Andersson bombed 1-0 from blue in powerplay already after five minutes of play.

Because after that, much in the game released for the home team, who could play more relaxed. HV rinsed over LHC for the first ten minutes, and would also get a fair 2-0 lead. After a touchdown from Linköping behind his own goal, Christoffer Törngren managed to find Joakim Andersson in the castle, who with a direct shot extended the lead.

In the second, the ketchup effect continued for HV, who with three goals in just under nine minutes punctured the match completely. Linköping had his chances to get closer, but did not get a hole on Gunnarsson.

Played by the third period

The third period was just a transport line, and HV could easily guard his lead and win 5-0.

Despite the icing, it is the defense game that Stephan Lund is most satisfied with after the 5-0 victory.

- I think we play that good defense game. We play the solid, he tells C More.

In Linköping, it was not as cheerful mines when it comes to the defense game, which has been a big problem for the team on away plan throughout the season.

- It burns. It is a little too simple goals, it is something we have to get better at. It's nothing we can hide, "Sebastian Karlsson tells C More.