Teller Report

El Hormiguero: Julia Otero and Pablo Motos, up to the politicians' bow

10/1/2019, 7:13:49 AM

Julia Otero has never got drunk, has not taken a shot in her life, does not drink alcohol and has only taken a carajillo and because of Pablo Motos. Julia Otero loved it

Julia Otero has never got drunk, has not taken a shot in her life, does not drink alcohol and has only taken a carajillo and because of Pablo Motos . Julia Otero would love to ride naked on a horse, but what Julia Otero would most like is for our political class to agree once and for all. Julia Otero is "fed up", is up to the top of the political blockade that Spain lives, is up to the very politicians. Julia Otero does not shut up and if she has to go to El Hormiguero and say four truths like four cathedrals of greats, then she goes and stays so comfortable. Julia Otero went with the well-loaded shotgun.

Last night the journalist visited El Hormiguero and did not go to have fun was to say what most Spaniards think, that we are beyond Orion from the situation in Spain , that we are saturated with elections, that we are tired of each other , that we are jaded and, above all, that we are not the culprits nor what we have voted .

No one was left forgotten. He had for Pedro Sánchez , for Pablo Iglesias , for Pablo Casado , for Albert Rivera, for the CDR , for the indepentistas - "I want to make it clear that I am not and have never been independence", just in case - and even for Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo Magnificent the phrase of the journalist when affirming that when the spokeswoman of the PP in the Congress speaks "I feel Florinda Chico or Rafaela Aparicio. I feel like the service" .

Because for Julia Otero, Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo has an objective: "she wants to be Pablo Casado (...) And she will achieve it, she will be the next leader of the right . " She does not know when it will be, but she is convinced that it will be. There is only one problem and Julia Otero knows: "Empathy with the voter is very important." Word of Rafaela Aparicio .

It is appreciated when a relevant character, and I do not mean when they are two, takes off the character costume and lets the citizen out on foot. You can more or less agree with the anger of Julia Otero (and also that of Pablo Motos ), but to speak so clearly is something that is difficult to see and hear, and more when the thing is as it is. At the moment, it was dispatched at ease, which has been a full-fledged crack.

"Animal documentaries teach a lot about politicians. Those of the mountain goat, for example, the behavior of the male, who in times of heat fight for the female, fight for the electorate." You can say clearer, but not louder. And who is the male of the mountain goat, well that. "Is Pedro Sánchez a kamikaze or does he have data?" Pablo Motos asked the journalist and friend at one point. Needless to say, or is it the male of the mountain goat? The reaction of Otero was to say that Pedro Sánchez does not have any data because the surveys have long failed "loudly".

So after 10-N, what? The journalist does not believe that there will be a new election, but, of course, with these politicians anything. As Obelix said, "these Romans are crazy, " these politicians are crazy. "The scenario of a third election I see impossible. I was surprised that there was no one in the past who stepped aside and abstained because he had received the applause of the Spaniards. Now, how are they going to do it now, I have no idea. Because they have been insulting for months and see how he sits at the table . " Bravo!

The program began with a very clear message, the message of which she is a citizen and journalist, of which she is just as angry as the one who is a baker, mason or waiter, of which she knows that going to elections again has only some guilty parties : "I am fed up and very worried about a country in which politicians are not up to par. How can they not stand up? On their salary they will be understood. How can they not be swallowed! I do not understand . It is something that makes me very nervous. " I broke my hands to clap at home. "I do not know if it has been the time that we have lived or that there has been a disastrous astral conjunction, but it is what there is," he continued.

It is what there is and it is what has lived to Spain. It is not surprising, therefore, the anger of Julia Otero , what is surprising is that it is so clear, is that it does not try to soften what can not be softened. They hungry hungry with the desire to eat, because if Julia Otero was angry, Pablo Motos was even more so . The presenter warmed up at times and could not help but not pass Julia Otero, the line that separates the objective from the emotional.

Why? Because nobody understands how we got to this, because nobody finds an explanation, because you have to get mad, because you have to demand responsibilities . "The salary of a politician enters that he has to exercise with responsibility," Julia Otero said to which Pablo Motos added that "they should charge in exchange for being exceptions" and "honest," the journalist said.

And it turns out that none of the candidates, that none of those who now sit in Congress is saved. It is such a motorcycle rage that he could not avoid following the interview with a good crack. According to Motos, here is a politician who "has a tendency to cutlery," Julia Otero has two left. "In fact, there is another that says that everything the other has done has already done it before. And we will not say who of the two refused to form a government in July with a proposal and who in September with the same proposal either." We all really love her, dear Julia.

They talked about whether Podemos is disintegrating or disintegrating it, they talked about Pablo Iglesias, about the appearance of Íñigo Errejón , about whether his candidacy -Más País- has been cooked in Moncloa and if there is any of those matches that one day were called emerging and that today they are the same caste that both attacked. "I do not know if it is disintegrating, but I do know that from the genesis of the beginning of Podemos now only Churches remain. And Rivera? Citizens was born so that the PSOE and PP did not have to agree with the independentists to govern and, suddenly, Surveys arise that say he can be Pablo Casado and there is nothing left from the beginning. " By the words of Otero, these muds come from these powders.

Julia Otero is convinced that Errejón's candidacy was not cooked in Moncloa, because, according to her, it will hurt the PSOE, with the difference that if you have to support a Government of Sanchez he will support it, but " divides more left . "

"Errejón was thrown out and Errejón wanted to be in politics. He has been given the opportunity to present himself (...) An Errejón voter does not come out by spontaneous generation. But he may make the vote of the leftist voters angry that they were going to stay at home go to vote, but to Errejon (...) All the polls indicate that there will be movement of houses. To the right is the second chance. And instead the left has a risk . "

"I am not independentista"

But having Julia Otero sitting on your set and not bringing up the subject of Catalonia would be like having Jordi Cruz in your kitchen and not asking for one of her dishes. Probably, Julia Otero is one of the journalists most attacked by her opinions about the Catalan situation. They attack him from one side and the other, from the independentists to the constitutionalist forces. Otero falls everywhere . That is why last night he said so strongly what he has repeated a thousand times: "I have not been nor am I an independentist. I am the daughter of Galician emigrants, period." But he lives in Catalonia, and is a journalist, and does not marry anyone and tries to be "equidistant . "

The SAR defines equidistant as "the equidistant" and as a second meaning "that is balanced and does not bow to the parties to a conflict." Equidistant and being equidistant in these times is a danger, but Julia Otero is clear that "equidistance is the best". He gave as an example the detention last week of 9 members of the CoR and said that we must know the details of that summary, that he is convinced that no judge detains 9 people without clues and that what is leaked, what is published and how it is published is to throw "gasoline in a fire" .

"For some they are innocent and for other terrorists. The extremes feed back. You put it on the table and they call you equidistant. And I have realized that equidistance is the best. I have never been equidistant, but now I have I am. And I say this and I skip some and others skip me. The common sense of the common people is where the solution is . " Common sense, of course, equidistance? The same has happened too much time and too many things for equidistance, but, the truth is that if you get wet bad and if you do not do it and you stay in the worst environment. "These Romans are crazy ..."

It is "the perfect storm . " It's that clear, that resounding, that it's cogent. "The problem is that there are many who want everything to happen. There are people waiting for everything to jump through the air. Politicians have to leave the gas drums at home. 1-O Anniversary, waiting for the 1-O ruling and elections ... It's the perfect storm. " And we are in the center.

Julia Otero only had to quote Miguel Delibes and that "between the left and the right they screwed Spain. They all killed her and she just died . " Fed up is what you have.

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  • The Anthill
  • Pablo Motos
  • Antenna 3

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