Teller Report

Egyptian health official: Fesikh has a deadly poison

10/1/2019, 8:01:14 PM

Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Dakahlia in Egypt, Dr. Saad Mekki urged citizens to refrain from eating permanently and salted fish, even if they were prepared at home, because it may be dangerous because of the growth of a dangerous type of bacteria that produces fatal toxins that can cause severe damage to those who eat them, especially children.

The bacteria may increase the risk of paralysis in the respiratory system, muscle and nerve functions, which could lead to death, McKee said in a statement on Tuesday.

He explained that recently, the presence of dead mullet fish unfit for human consumption, which may lead to the occurrence of food poisoning, especially poisoning Almbari (botulism).

He added that the Directorate of Health carried out inspection and control campaigns on salted fish stores, where 52 facilities were reviewed, 13 of which were closed for the imminent danger to the health of citizens, 55 samples were taken and sent to the joint laboratory for analysis to ensure compliance with specifications.

He also said that 196 kilograms of salted fish have been executed for a change in their natural properties, and 44 health misdemeanor records were prepared, stressing, "Continued campaigns to tighten control of the food market and control irregularities for the health of citizens."

Previous warnings
In 2015, the Egyptian Ministry of Health warned citizens against eating fassikh due to the imminent danger to health that could lead to complete paralysis or death.

The ministry said in a statement that the method of preparation of fassic is often unsafe in terms of health because of the lack of salt in the ficus, or some use of fish floating on the surface of the water that is dead and exposed to the sun and began to swell and decompose and have a bad smell, to which add a little Salt is sold as a herring after three or four days.

The statement added that the toxins contained in the fassic does not invalidate its effect and its impact on humans only if exposed to the heat of 100 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, such as frying in oil.

The Ministry of Health statement stressed the speed to go to the nearest hospital or poison treatment center in the event of any of the symptoms within 24 hours of ingestion to save the life of the patient and give him antitoxin serum, which is the only antidote authorized and intravenous to neutralize the poison molecules that Affect the nervous system of man.

The first symptoms of poisoning appear 12 to 36 hours after ingestion of contaminated flesh, including blurred eye, duplicated vision, dry throat, difficulty swallowing, muscle weakness that begins with the shoulders and upper extremities and moves to the rest of the body, shortness of breath, and respiratory failure. Which can lead to death.