Teller Report

Bengtsson drops top horse

10/1/2019, 3:46:26 PM

Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and the horse Oak Grove's Carlyle have taken different paths, according to the newspaper Ridsport. The owner hoped that the team would compete in the European Championships but they were not selected. - Then they decided to take the horse home and now it is ridden by the owner son Harm Lahde, Rolf-Göran Bengtsson, tells Ridsport.

Rolf-Göran Bengtsson and the eleven-year-old walrack competed in the Nation Cup competitions at Hickstead in July, which became the last competition they did together.

Oak Grove's Carlyle has now moved back home, where it all began. He is again ridden by Harm Lahde, who competed with the horse during his adolescence.

- It's always sad to lose a top horse, but I have a lot of very nice young abilities in the stable that I build for the future, says Rolf-Göran.