Teller Report

A 1,600 square kilometer iceberg emerges from Antarctica

10/1/2019, 10:46:36 AM

An iceberg of about 1,580 square kilometers, about five times the size of the island of Malta or 15 times the city of Paris, broke off the Amery ice shelf, one of the l

An iceberg of about 1,580 square kilometers, about five times the size of the island of Malta or 15 times the city of Paris, broke off the Amery ice shelf, one of the largest in Antarctica.

The new iceberg, called D28, completely detached itself from the platform located east of Antarctica on the 25th, the Copernicus Twitter, the European Earth observation program in collaboration with the European Space Agency, said on Monday (THAT).

The tweet is accompanied by two images captured and processed by the Sentinel 1 satellite: In the first, on September 20, a crack can be seen in Amery, while in the second, five days later, the iceberg is completely separated from the platform ice.

The extension of the Arctic sea ice during the summer is "one of the main and most sensitive indicators of climate change" and the annual minimum occurs in September, says the Copernicus program in another tweet, in which he recalls that this year this extension "It was one of the lowest ever observed."

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