Teller Report

1-O: infamous anniversary

10/1/2019, 12:18:02 AM

Today marks the second anniversary of the infamous day when separatism forced an illegal referendum against half of its neighbors and the rest of Spaniards to liquidate the order

Today marks the second anniversary of the infamous day when separatism forced an illegal referendum against half of its neighbors and the rest of Spaniards to liquidate the democratic order and territorial unity. The event could not be wrapped in worse omens. The imprisonment of seven members of one of those groups of self-styled fanatics Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR), accused of planning attacks, undressed the violent entrails of the movement that cynically sells as a smile revolution.

But as serious as the qualitative leap towards the use of violence was the institutional reaction of the separatist parties, starting with Quim Torra himself, who came out in defense of the alleged terrorists and charged against a "assembly" of the same State whose maximum representation in Catalonia he himself shows. And how could he not do it if he was in collusion with the defendants according to the confession of one of them - who were also connected with Puigdemont's sister - and if EL MUNDO has revealed that the Catalan CNI commissioned the CDR to assault the Parliament. With such evidence, Torra's prosecution seems unavoidable sooner rather than later. Cs, the most voted party in Catalonia, has announced the filing of an overly justified motion of censure against the still president of the Generalitat; its success is impossible, but the defense of the constitutionalist cause must be heard in the Parliament, and in any case the ambiguous PSC must be portrayed before an electorate that fears and the reissue of the worst days of October 2017.

Nothing else follows from the resignation of the general director of the Mossos d'Esquadra, Andreu Martínez, announced the same day of October 1. The abandonment of the political leader of the Catalan police inevitably evokes the precedent of Santi Vila, which today separatism considers a traitor for putting the law's compliance before unilateral irrationality. We will see how today's day unfolds, but everything indicates that a new insurrectionary climate will be unleashed that requires a firm intervention by the Government.

In recent days, Sanchez has printed a constitutionalist turn to his speech . The electoral motivation of such a turn is evident in someone who came to power thanks to the support of ERC and JxCat, and who, by staying in it, cultivated multinationality and accepted the shameful road map of Pedralbes. The same politician today intends to project himself as the fervent guarantor of national unity while maintaining pacts with Bildu in Navarra or with sovereignty in Barcelona or the Balearic Islands. But beyond its flaws of sleepwalking, we only hope that the time has come to be able to react in defense of everyone's law and democracy, starting with the application of the Citizen Security Law and ending with 155.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • CDR
  • Catalonia
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • Navarre
  • PSC
  • Quim Torra
  • Santi Vila
  • ERC
  • Citizens
  • Bildu
  • Barcelona
  • Balearics
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Editorial

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