Teller Report

Woman abused child who criticized picture on Instagram

9/30/2019, 9:01:19 PM

A 25-year-old woman from southern Dalarna is convicted of assault after she filmed a 10-year-old girl who posted negative comments about her photos on Instagram.

The woman posted pictures of ornate nails on Instagram that were criticized by a girl which made the woman upset. The incident happened that the woman and the girl ended up on the same bus later that day and the woman went up to the girl to confront her.

A loud quarrel erupted between the two and the glowing words continued to hail since they both got off at the same stop.

Close and aggressive

According to witnesses who saw the incident, the woman is supposed to act close and aggressive towards the girl who pushed the woman away. The woman answered the push by punching the girl in the face with the palm of her hand.

The district court writes in its assessment that the woman should have "considered her adult responsibility" and not started the brawl on the bus. That what the woman claims was about a state of emergency when she distributed the battle is also rejected because it is considered to be evidence that the woman was the one who started the fight and acted aggressively.

The woman is convicted of assault and threat to an official in another case for protection supervision and 60 hours of community service. She will also pay SEK 5500 in damages to the girl.