Teller Report

Correos opens the registration period to cover 4,005 jobs

9/30/2019, 11:28:59 AM

Correos has opened the registration period to cover 4,005 fixed job positions in operational categories. Those interested can register from this September 30

Correos has opened the registration period to cover 4,005 fixed job positions in operational categories. Those interested can register from this September 30 until 11.59 pm on October 10, through the corporate website of Correos.

This process involves the offer of 4,005 fixed job staff positions, to perform functions of distribution of shipments, logistics tasks and customer service in offices. This is the largest job stabilization offer launched by Correos in the last decade .

The last call incorporated 2,295 professionals in June 2018, after the registration of more than 116,000 people in the selection tests.

The current one is a call that includes the offer of the positions corresponding to the replacement rates approved for the year 2017 and 2018, as well as 574 of those contemplated in the Multiannual Agreement 2018-2020. Specifically, 2,618 for distribution tasks, 725 for classification agent and 662 for customer service in offices.

Employment in all provinces

The 4,005 positions are distributed throughout the country. The Community of Madrid, with 831 seats , is the autonomous community with the largest number of places, followed by Catalonia, with 826, and Andalusia, with 654 positions offered.

Correos has developed, in nine months, 80% of the multiannual agreement signed with CCOO, UGT, CSIF and Free Trade Union in December 2018

This process is part of the execution of the measures adopted in the Multi-Annual Agreement 2018-2020 signed with the trade union organizations CCOO, UGT, CSIF and Free Trade Union on December 19. This agreement, in nine months, is already developed at 80% and contemplates the consolidation and replacement of 11,200 jobs.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • CCOO
  • UGT
  • Andalusia
  • Catalonia
  • Madrid's community

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