Teller Report

Boris about the road accidents to Ullared: "It's a little embarrassing"

9/30/2019, 6:34:07 PM

Despite millions of visitors each year, the roads to Ullared in Falkenberg Municipality are poor and accident-prone. Gekås CEO Boris Lennerhov has pointed this out for many years and is still critical today.

SVT News Halland has recently been reviewing the county's bad roads and it has generated strong reactions and great commitment from our viewers and readers. Two of the roads that have been discussed are routes 153 and 154 to and from Ullared. The roads are accident-hit and worn and not designed for the amount of traffic that goes there.

- Despite the developments that have been, nothing has been done in thirty years, it's a little embarrassing, says Boris Lennerhov, CEO.

He has been trying to influence politicians and officials for many years to do something about the roads. Already in 2011, Boris Lennerhov went to HN and offered the Swedish Transport Administration to borrow 100 million interest-free to get the roads organized.

- I have been trying to lobby on this issue for many years. The Traffic Committee, the Riksdagmen and the Chamber of Commerce have been visiting, but we have not made it clear.

According to Boris Lennerhov, Ullared is not a priority

Boris Lennerhov points to other expensive infrastructure projects that have swallowed a lot of money, such as the Varberg Tunnel and that smaller projects will then be without. He understands that such projects cost, but thinks it is a matter of the difference between the city and the countryside.

- All the money goes to the big heavy projects. Then there is no money left and then you move it to the next ten-year plan. These roads were on the lists 20 years ago, but there are probably not enough voters where the roads are. Then you go down the list of priorities.

The Swedish Transport Administration has no plans to rebuild the roads

Leading politicians in Falkenberg have now assumed that they want to see 2 + 1 road to Ullared to increase safety and traffic flow, but there are no plans in the Swedish Transport Administration at all.

- The most important argument in my world is the safety issue for those who live along the way. That they cannot use the road to cycle and walk and transport themselves in other ways. They are forgotten, says Boris Lennerhov.