Teller Report

UAE provides 80 tons of food aid to the people of eastern Mukalla

9/29/2019, 6:04:06 PM

The UAE Red Crescent has distributed tens of tons of food and relief to the needy Yemeni families east of Mukalla as part of its efforts to alleviate their suffering and improve their living conditions.

The UAE has provided tens of tons of food and relief to the needy Yemeni families east of Mukalla through its humanitarian arm as part of its efforts to alleviate their suffering and improve their living conditions.

In this regard .. Red Crescent teams distributed 1000 food baskets weighing about 80 tons kilo benefited 5,000 people from families unable in the eastern neighborhoods of the Directorate of Mukalla in the province of Hadramout.

The beneficiaries thanked the UAE for this humanitarian gesture, which eased the suffering of their families and their difficult circumstances, appreciating the Red Crescent Authority's efforts in delivering aid to them and relieving them of the burdens of difficult daily living.

The number of food baskets, which have been distributed since the beginning of the year of tolerance, amounted to 28,244 food baskets with a rate of 2282 tons and 115.2 kilograms, targeting 141,220 members of needy and affected families in Hadramout province.