Teller Report

Daisy-May Demetre and her story of overcoming parades in the Fashion Weeks

9/29/2019, 11:13:01 AM

Daisy-May Demetre is a 9-year-old girl who was born with fibular hemimelia. This disease is defined by the partial or complete absence of the fibula which ended up making it necessary for

Daisy-May Demetre is a 9-year-old girl who was born with fibular hemimelia. This disease is defined by the partial or complete absence of the fibula which ended up making it necessary to undergo double amputation and lose both legs. However, that has not been an impediment for the small parade for the third time this year with the French brand Lulu and Gig , first in New York Fashion Week, and then in London, and last Friday in Paris.

The presence of Daisy-May Demetre is one more step of approaching fashion to real life, as did Marián Ávila , the first Spanish model with down syndrome that she paraded at New York Fashion Week, in 2018.

The public wants to see on the catwalk models that reflect reality and diversity. Was this what he needed to be truly inclusive? Is a parade the right place for this girl to feel special? She and her family have decided so, her father in statements to the AFP news agency said that "she is an exceptional girl who is demonstrating that a disability does not have to leave you paralyzed and is a model for anyone who wants to make their dreams come true ". therefore we can think that it gives a lesson of overcoming although to follow in the way of the fashion will not be an easy way.

What credit deserves this commitment to make fashion more inclusive? The discussion is deeper and it would be necessary to see if inclusion is not, for some brands, a campaign with a higher emotional impact. Reality shows that large-size models , for example, represent a stunted 0.69 % and transgender or non-binary gender models only 0.77% . In this case, the protagonist is a girl and it will be necessary to take care that her dream does not fade when she gets off the catwalk, the lights go out and the makeup remains are removed. If the gesture is really authentic, we will have to help you from now on to find your place in the fashion industry or at the site that she decides.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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