Teller Report

Black M makes his mea culpa on homophobic remarks held by Sexion d'Assaut

9/29/2019, 3:46:01 PM

The rapper, in full promotion of his latest album, returned to the homophobic remarks made by his former group Sexion d'Assaut.

The rapper, in full promotion of his latest album, returned to the homophobic remarks made by his former group Sexion d'Assaut.

The rapper Black M made his mea culpa in an interview given to Here , Friday, for homophobic remarks held by Sexion d'Assaut, his former group. "I was a little con," said the artist, in full promotion of his new album.

In 2010 Sexion d'Assaut released a title with clearly homophobic lyrics "We humiliated you". A first controversy reinforced by an interview given to the magazine International Hip-Hop : "For a time, we attacked many homosexuals because we are 100% homophobic and we assume," said members of the group.

"We apologized sincerely"

"We had things that we should never have, including on homosexuality," Black M. confessed Ten years later, he continues to be criticized for this slippage. "We apologized sincerely," recalls the singer.