Teller Report

Threatening man arrested in Svalöv municipality

9/27/2019, 6:57:59 PM

A man has been arrested by police after acting threateningly with something resembling a firearm in a town in Svalöv municipality. No person should have been injured.

Alarms came in to police at 17 on Friday about a man who must have threatened other people outdoors, with something resembling a firearm.

Police were dispatched to the scene and a few hours later were able to arrest the suspected offender at an address nearby. No person should have been physically injured during the operation.

"Around 19.40, the police have control over the man, who is in his 60s," says Rickard Lundqvist, press spokesman for the police.

According to the police, there has been no danger to outsiders during the course of the operation. Some roads and places were blocked off during the operation.

The arrested man is suspected of grossly unlawful threats and weapons offenses, but the police reserve the possibility that the crime classification may change during the course of the investigation.