Teller Report

Jacob Hård: "A scandal that must have consequences"

9/27/2019, 12:13:40 PM

Several athletes say they have been pressed for operations by the IAAF. Unacceptable, Jacob Hård states. - If IAAF has a part in it, it is a scandal that must have consequences, says SVT Sports athletics commentator.

In a newly produced documentary from the German TV channel ARD, which can be seen on SVT Play from 17.00, it appears that the International Athletics Federation (IAAF) must have pressured female athletes with elevated testosterone values ​​to gender-corrective interventions to continue competing.

The Ugandan JVM medalist from 2010, Annet Negesa, had elevated natural testosterone levels and tells in the documentary that she was operated on without agreeing to it.

Negesa explains that she was told that they would only give her an injection, which would remove the testosterone from her body.

- But that's not what they did. I woke up in the morning and had surgery, she says in the documentary.

"Ethical explosive"

SVT Sports athletics commentator Jacob Hård has taken part in the documentary.

- The issue of hyperandrogenism is complicated and ethically explosive. The rule is discriminatory and hits individual athletes hard. The requirement to medicate to compete is ethically questionable, he says, and continues:

- If women are pressed for medical treatment or worse - treated unknowingly or against their will - it is obviously completely unacceptable. If the IAAF has a part in it, it is a scandal that must have consequences.