Teller Report

Glimpses of the future in Hova

9/27/2019, 6:31:11 PM

During this week, SVT Nyheter Väst took a look at Gullspång's municipality in particular and talked about young people leaving the municipality and salmon that are saved. On Friday we went to the central city, Hova, to hear what hope there is for the future there.

Hova's big son Stikkan Andersson, stands as a bust outside the Green House in Hova, where he grew up. But what are the success stories that are looming in Hova today - 2019?

- Although there have been several companies that have closed down, I think we should believe in the future. There is a development company that I still think there is hope. And the hope we have to believe in, it is important, says Pernilla Hast, who after a few years in Gothenburg moved back to Gullspång municipality and now runs a hairdressing salon in Hova.

Equipped the hotel

The old hotel in Hova and the restaurant were on the ropes. But then the municipality and the companies joined together and equipped the plant. The chiefs were invited to buy what they call public shares. Today there are 90 shareholders. Several companies in the municipality are doing well today, such as the cable marking company in Gullspång and the car parts company in Hova, but still the municipality falls last in the Swedish Confederation's ranking of the business climate in Skaraborg.

- We want more dialogue with the municipality. The response from the municipal office has been low when entrepreneurs contact the municipality, and this can probably be because the officials have been understaffed, says Gunnar Bohlin, chairman of the board of Hova development company AB.

New flag at the town hall

Unique this Friday in Hova and Gullspång is that the municipality, for the first time, flags with the Pride flag.

- There has been much discussion about whether the municipalities' participation in Pride and Gullspång is and should be a municipality that is for everyone and stands for everyone's equal value. Such a document shows that we will continue to be so, says Hanna Jansson, (FI) Gullspång municipality.

And Abba-Stikkans Green House then - yes, it lives on today as a vintage shop.