Teller Report

End of life, Conte: "Right to recognize conscientious objection to doctors"

9/27/2019, 8:54:59 PM

The President of the Council hopes for a second term for the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Among the dreams, lowering taxes to everyone


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 27 September 2019From a few days, the Constitutional Court has declared itself declaring that aid for assisted suicide was not punishable in certain specific cases and asked Parliament to legislate on the matter.

From Ceglie Messapica, in the province of Brindisi, the premier Giuseppe Conte, during an interview with the director of "Affari Italiani", Angelo Maria Perrino, said that while it is necessary to make a law on the matter, it is also necessary to allow the conscientious objection doctors: "While I have no doubt there is a right to life, it is doubtful there is a right to death. For doctors we should at least recognize conscientious objection," said Conte.

Regarding the successor of Sergio Mattarella , Conte stated that he hoped for a second mandate of the incumbent Head of State because "he serves a person with his qualities". "It is not up to me" a decision on who will go to the Quirinale in 2022, but I can say that I would like "a personality like Mattarella", endowed with "balance, political experience, wise and also at hand", "if Mattarella were available at second term ... "would have the qualities listed.

On the mandate for parliamentarians, Conte said: "The mandate constraint is a complicated issue", adding: "Through a closer bond of parliamentary regulations we could prevent the change of jacket".

The prime minister then explained that he had three dreams : "My dream? Lower taxes to everyone, fight tax evasion, create a green Italy". And to the question "how would you like to be remembered, once you retired?", Conte replied: "Like a person who has made mistakes but who has always made them with the extreme conviction of pursuing the common good".

Regarding the maneuver, Conte made a solemn commitment not to increase VAT. "The solemn commitment" is to deactivate "the VAT safeguard clauses. It is an important chapter" of the next maneuver, "we are talking about 23 billion. We must put them on the table because we must not allow the VAT increase ". "We are working on some remodeling - added Conte - but with benefit for the Italians".

The Prime Minister then re-launched the " social pact " with the Italians: "We are working on it", he said, adding that there will be incentives to "use electronic money, cards", but addressing the public he specified: "This it will not mean that you will pay more ". The president spoke of "reward mechanisms" with "advantages in terms of easing the tax burden".

On the subject of the so-called ' Ukraine gate ', which involves the president of the United States, he said: "I wish Trump would be able to clarify this matter as soon as possible and I hope he will be able to get out of it as soon as possible. of personal friendship ".