Teller Report

300 diplomats and a former security official support Trump's accountability

9/27/2019, 8:34:16 PM

More than 300 former officials of US security and foreign policy agencies, including a former director of the National Counterterrorism Center and a former assistant secretary of state, on Friday backed an investigation to hold President Donald Trump accountable for his removal.

The signatories served in the administrations of both parties, the former officials said in a statement, adding that they did not want to prejudge the conclusions Congress might make in the investigation.

President Trump appears to have used the power and resources of the highest office in the country to call for additional foreign intervention in the democratic process, they said.

This would constitute an unreasonable abuse of power and an attempt to subordinate America's national interests and those of our closest allies and partners to the president's personal political interest, the statement said.

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal inquiry into Trump's accountability this week after it emerged that he had asked Ukraine's president to question former Vice President Joe Biden, a potential contender in the 2020 presidential election.