Teller Report

Washington calls on its citizens in Egypt to avoid areas of demonstrations

9/26/2019, 8:44:39 PM

The US embassy in Cairo on Thursday called on its citizens to be vigilant and avoid demonstrations and police gatherings. The warning came on the eve of upcoming demonstrations after a call for a million people demanding the departure of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi.

The alert, posted on its website, said it called on its citizens and residents in Egypt to be vigilant and avoid areas of demonstrations, rallies, large protests, or police stationing.

Egyptian authorities have yet to comment on the alert, which coincides with calls for protests on Friday that the Egyptian Interior Ministry said it would address and any attempt to destabilize it.

Human rights organizations have accused the authorities of adopting security arrests and prosecutions as a means of political intimidation, and demanded the release of some 2,000 detainees arrested in recent days.