Teller Report

UN: African Union wants to take over the Libyan case - RFI

9/26/2019, 10:38:16 PM

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly was held Thursday, an in camera meeting on the situation in Libya at the initiative of France

By RFIPosted on 09-27-2019editing 27-09-2019 at 00:24

On the sidelines of the UN General Assembly was held Thursday, an in camera meeting on the situation in Libya on the initiative of France and Italy. A meeting preceded by a meeting of the Security Council. Nothing has filtered from these meetings, but according to a source, the AU now wants to regain control of a file that currently eludes him.

With our special correspondent in New York , LĂ©onard Vincent

This African diplomat is determined. It is time to change the method in Libya, according to him. " In almost a decade, everything has failed," he recalls . Now it's our proposal or nothing. For him, it is time to put Africa back in the middle and to involve her more in a crisis from which she is politically excluded, but which she is nevertheless violently on the ground.

According to this source, that was the substance of the speeches of the chairman of the AU Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat on Thursday, first before the Security Council, then in front of Antonio Guterres and the five permanent members, plus Germany and Italy, discreetly meeting with the "godfathers" of the war: Turkey, the Emirates, Egypt and several international organizations.

In the face of European disdain, it is time for the UN to closely associate with the AU, according to this diplomat. The African countries militate for the appointment of a special envoy - a special African envoy - thus excluding the Lebanese Ghassam Salamé . With one mission: to break the lethal tete-a-tete between Fayez el-Sarraj and Marshal Haftar.

This source adds finally that this demand is supported unanimously within the AU, even by Egypt, even with reservations. " After all," said the diplomat in a tone of obviousness, " Libya is in Africa. "

Moreover, the Italian-French meeting on Libya in New York must be followed by a similar meeting, but this time in Germany, probably in Berlin, in late October or early November.

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