Teller Report

The owner of an Argentine station assaults a live broadcaster: "I'm going to do shit"

9/26/2019, 4:29:15 AM

A radio host from the Argentine city of San Juan (west) was attacked by the owner of the station where she works while doing her program, a fact that was broadcast

A radio broadcaster from the Argentine city of San Juan (west) was attacked by the owner of the station where she works while doing her program, a fact that was broadcast live and reported by a listener, who called the police .

In an audio that went viral on social networks, we hear how the owner of FM Bohemia, Rodolfo Ridao, throws expletives and shouts to the announcer Claudia Vázquez, while it was being broadcast, this Tuesday, the space that this conducts every morning.

"Garbage, unhappy"; "What the fuck do you have to talk about?"; "you don't even get the sole of shoes, trash"; "You are a daughter of a bitch, shut up"; "Look, I don't answer from me" and "I'm going to do shit", are some of the phrases that are heard say, altered, to the director of the station.

Meanwhile, crying, Vázquez is heard pleading as: "I am doing the program, do not treat me like this."

Upon hearing what happened, a listener called the police and a patrol went to the station.

The announcer filed a complaint for physical and verbal abuse at the Police and Women's Police Department and investigates the accusations against the businessman, who at the moment was not arrested.

"When he entered the radio, he arrived throwing his folder that he always carries. He threw mate, grass, sugar, shouting, I did not know what was happening, and asked him to stop screaming," he began telling the communicator, who performs different functions on the station, in statements to the TN channel,

"When I told him that the YouTube theme was ending (which was being broadcast) and the radio was going to be silent, he goes to the operator's room and wanting to cut the transmission does the opposite effect," he added.

The woman said it is not the first time that her boss mistreats and harasses both her and other partners.

For his part, Ridao explained his version in an interview broadcast by Huarpe TV, in which he described his employee as being "very conflicted" and having slandered his wife and children.

"The audio that she publishes is fully edited. It is not the entire first part in which I express that I would not be able to continue working like this and she begins to insult all her classmates, to say that she was the best and the others they were useless, "he says.

"After he started insulting me, he threatened me and that if she didn't follow me on the radio she was going to report me," added the owner of the station, who said that Vázquez is a person "who takes the boxes very easily to anyone".

Ridao said it was she who "raised the microphone on purpose" to be heard live.

"I was very nervous, I said tremendous things that I regret," he said , but remarked that despite his anger he did not physically assault the announcer.

"Many people left these media outlets because of their way of being, which has to do with their slander," he reiterated about the complainant, whom he accused of having arrived at his company from "a complicated world . " "I will not express what I was doing before because I will not be discriminatory," he said.

After knowing the case, the Council of Social Communicators of San Juan repudiated "the actions of Mr. Rodolfo Ridao" and called to denounce "events that occur daily and are" vox populi " but do not have the legal framework to support it" .

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  • Violence
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