Teller Report

The Government will challenge the agreements of the Parliament on the amnesty of prisoners and the exit of the Civil Guard

9/26/2019, 8:26:16 PM

The Government has announced on Thursday night that it will present an appeal to the Constitutional Court to challenge the motion for a resolution passed in Parliament cat

The Government has announced on Thursday night that it will present an appeal to the Constitutional Court to challenge the motion for a resolution passed in the Catalan Parliament in the afternoon that declares necessary "the withdrawal of Catalonia from the Civil Guard troops", according to Government sources have advanced to Europa Press.

"Before the resolutions passed this afternoon by the Parliament of Catalonia, referring to the commitment of the Catalan Chamber to lead an institutional response to the 1-O ruling; which urges to promote a national agreement for amnesty, self-determination and rights civilians and politicians with a request for total amnesty, as well as the one requesting the departure of the Civil Guard of Catalonia, we want to transfer that the Government is studying its content to challenge and act legally against the aforementioned resolutions. "

This is how Moncloa communicated the decision taken by the Government of Pedro Sánchez in office. The proposal to withdraw from the Armed Institute of the autonomous community has come forward with the votes in favor of JxCat, ERC and the CUP, with the abstention of the communes and the votes against Citizens, PSC and PP.

"It has been openly shown as a police of a political nature that is focused on persecuting certain political and social groups, and completely redundant when it comes to guaranteeing the security of citizenship," the text reflects in the General Policy Debate.

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