Teller Report

The author of the murder of a girl in Port Olímpic commits suicide when he was to be arrested

9/26/2019, 10:11:33 PM

The material author of the murder of a 26-year-old girl on September 4 at a nightclub in the Port Olímpic of Barcelona has committed suicide this afternoon when she was going to be arrested

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The material author of the murder of a 26-year-old girl on September 4 at a nightclub at the Port Olímpic in Barcelona has committed suicide this afternoon when he was to be arrested in an operation of the Mossos d'Esquadra . According to knowledgeable sources of the investigation, the police had narrowed the siege on the suspect in recent days, in which he was being searched in the neighborhood of Sant Roc , in Badalona, ​​where he lived.

The murderer has taken his own life tonight in a house on Calle Cáceres , in Badalona, ​​where agents had him located. According to the sources consulted, a large police operation has been deployed in the area, with agents from the Mobile Brigade (BRIMO) area of the Mossos d'Esquadra included.

In the videos that have transcended the security cameras of the leisure center of Barcelona where the crime was committed at the beginning of the month, the boy is seen stabbing a young woman deadly and stabbing a vigilante in the abdomen . The man who was being searched and another young man - who surrendered a week later in the court that instructs the case - had stolen the victim's cell phone minutes before lashing out at her and ending her life.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Catalonia

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