Teller Report

MasterChef Celebrity 'destroys' a sultry Seville

9/26/2019, 6:56:50 AM

It was the chronicle of a death foretold. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Sevilla, is the example that not all television programs are made for all celebrities. He,

It was the chronicle of a death foretold. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, Sevilla , is the example that not all television programs are made for all celebrities. He, the singer of Mojinos Escozíos, an affable, funny, funny, horny character, even endearing could not with MasterChef Celebrity and ended up shattered after one of the most embarrassing moments that are remembered in the culinary talent .

Probably, that is what surprises most, that a character like El Sevilla ends up giving such a spectacular turnaround to his image. From the funny man to the tense man , from the affable man to the pissed off man, from the funny man to the ordinary man, from the horny man to the rude man ...

It was not his night nor his program. He said it himself when he realized that he had screwed up to the bottom: MasterChef Celebrity was not for him, but the damage was already done. Sevilla stopped being last night the sympathetic character to become a kind of caveman driven by competitiveness, a rage difficult to explain and the dirty play of Vicky Martín Berrocal, expert in making firewood from the fallen tree.

Casquería for all

Already since the first test of the night, Sevilla gave signs that something was not working. It was not an easy test. The talent returned to two of its classics: the auction and the farmhouse. On this occasion the aspirants had to bid for the hearts of different animals - cow, roe deer, deer, rooster, rabbit, pigeon, chicken ...-. I swear that for every bell that Jordi Cruz was raising to start the bidding, I had a jumble in my stomach - thank God I hadn't had dinner yet. I know there will be a lot of people in favor of the farmhouse, but I am something I can't, and more after that.

I remember when my grandmother tried to eat chicken coops, battered brains, gizzards, etc. And I wanted to die. It was seeing the first heart of the night, the veal. That piece of heart, bigger than the bloody Buddha's belly, waiting to be cooked ... Oh, oh, oh! I would be unable to cook it, but Sevilla was the first to bid and took the biggest heart to change from giving up the odd minute of cooking time.

Then the rest of the hearts and the rest of the celebrities - especially Marta Torné - would come, trying to endure the casque moment. None had cooked hearts before, with the exception of Elena Furiase , who lost almost all of her time to keep the artichoke hearts, which predicted a complicated test of a more than uncertain outcome. The truth is that judges have more morality than Alcoyano . It is already hard to try certain dishes, but to try hearts made by aspirants who have no idea or how they are cooked, or how they are made, or what ingredients they can do better, is to have a lot, a lot of value.

And there they began to clean their hearts, to chop them, to cook them, to saute them ... Between the difficulty of the chosen raw material and the short time with which some stayed to cook after the auction the result could not be anything good. The fajitas of Almudena Cid, the Bolognese of Ana Milan, the hearts of Vicky Martín Berrocal and the I stay with you of Álex Adrover , who had as inspiration the visit of his wife, the former MasterChef Celebrity Patricia Montero, and the forced show were saved of jealousy and jealousy that they starred at the expense of Pepe Rodríguez and Tamara Falcó, which they pass by and do not even know.

The rest of the dishes, to forget. However, there were two who took the jumper out of the jury, and among them was the heart of El Sevilla. The singer chose to prepare a stew. It might seem the simplest, the problem is that it did not calculate the cooking time needed by a heart of veal. The result was that the heart of El Sevilla could throw someone and kill him .

The criticism of José Salazar

The jury made him try it and he, with all the stoicism of the world, cleared it as if it were the eighth wonder of the world. So they gave it to try their tasting partner, José Salazar , half of Los Chunguitos, who almost gives something trying to chew and swallow that piece of cow's heart. "It's very hard. I could be chewing here for hours. It's like a gum, although it tastes good , " Chunguito said, causing El Sevilla to get angry, and a lot.

He preferred to shut up in front of the judges, but he was not going to miss the opportunity to recriminate to Joseph the assessment he had made of his heart stew: "In the previous program I gave a good assessment to your brother ... Even if it was bad you have to say things. He has been ugly . " To which José finished off with a "but it was harder than a stone!". "Well, you say no," El Sevilla said visibly angry, that later, already alone, he said that the assessment had seemed "sincere", but that he began to wonder if he wanted to continue or not in the program. "I think I don't want to continue," he confessed.

An unlikely school menu

The mood of Seville was not for much party. After the jury chose Ana Milan - in second place - and Almudena Cid as the best of the event, came the outdoor test where El Sevilla finally burst. MasterChef Celebrity went to the Federico García Lorca public school in Alcobendas, where applicants had to prepare two menus for 100 children in 4th grade . I really like the moment, healthy food, healthy food, children have to eat everything and try everything, fast food is rubbish, and other nutritional advice when the reality of school canteens in Spain is very different. Indeed, there is a problem: Spain is the second country in Europe with the highest rate of childhood obesity . It is more than necessary to make everyone aware of it, but to be aware of being sensible.

Only the menu chosen for the test was a bad joke. Does anyone really believe that school kitchens may be making natural jelly beans and fruit skewers or chocolate-covered sponge cake lollipop? Let's be realistic. They had to cook for 100, but it is normal to cook for thousands. It would have been much more operative to prepare a menu that really could be done in the day-to-day dining room of a school.

To parrot the menus. For the blue team, Almudena Cid, who chose Félix Gómez, Tamara Falcó, Álex Adrover, El Sevilla and Juan Avellaneda as test partners, the dishes to be prepared, chosen by a nutritionist, were carrot and pumpkin cream with pipes suffered and sauteed broccoli; roasted dorado with baked potatoes and garlic; and custard with fruit skewer and natural jelly beans . Ahem!

For the red team, with one more member and captained by the Goddess of this edition, Ana Milan, the menu they would face was composed of quinoa salad with asparagus, prawns and emulsion of their coral (yes, that's it, emulsion of its coral); Organic veal meatballs with sweet potato and spinach textures; Chocolate-covered banana and honey lollipop . All super, mega, hyper practical to make in the kitchens of a school.

The teams had to prepare 100 plates of each one and then 'sell' them among the children to choose their own and not that of the other team. The truth is that the cooked ones were quieter than in the previous programs. Ana Milan served as the expected captain, while Almudena Cid opted for a quieter and shouting captaincy, which cost her more than one mistake during the preparation of the dishes.

Although Almudena Cid chose his team thinking about who he would work with better and who he saw most prepared in the kitchens, the truth is that it was Ana Milan's team that worked best. Elena Furiase prepared the dessert alone and on top of it she had the parsimony and tranquility of some Chunguitos for whom making meatballs was almost like going up to Everest.

The giant meatballs of Los Chunguitos

They make me very funny and I leave and take care of them, but they have a rennet that to have them as partners. Mother of beautiful Love! Yolanda Ramos - Long live Yolanda Ramos! - almost gives syncope to see the balls they were preparing as meatballs. "With the minced meat we were making adobe houses. What is that? Planet Earth made a meatball?" . Total fan of Yolanda Ramos. Samantha Vallejo Nájera fell in a row, who even had to leave a meatball sample, but in the end they took it forward.

And it was time to choose the candidates who would be responsible for getting the children to choose their dishes. Almudena Cid chose Támara Falcó, El Sevilla and herself for the 'vending', while Ana Milan opted for Vicky Martín Berrocal, Elena Furiase and Marta Torné. It is assumed that the grace of organizing the test so that the aspirants take a walk all his grace and all his salt shaker to make his dishes the most appetizing, but what had to be something fun became a real nightmare. The children were even afraid, so they recognized Samantha: "There is a man who shouted a lot and it scared me," a girl acknowledged.

That man was none other than Sevilla . The singer had already touched on the previous test and placing himself next to Vicky Martín Berrocal did not help much to improve his mood. Vicky is a goodbye fly, period. Everything seems wrong, everything is a drama for her, but it is also probably one of the most competing. So he took out all his artillery to step on El Sevilla and the fish from the blue team. Nor did I have to work hard, if I were a 9-year-old boy and they gave me a choice between meatballs and roasted fish, or giving me a bike with the fish I was going to choose. But Vicky went for everything and ended up deranging a Seville that already had the on fire button on .

"... and meatballs made with cow shit!"

Vicky Martín Berrocal's tactic consisted not only of selling the qualities of the meatballs but also of throwing away the fish from the blue team. Vicky and Sevilla's table was a full-fledged battle. If a child approached there - and everyone had to pass - Sevilla planted the piece of fish, although the children refused; Vicky reproached him - "the children do not want fish and do not have to eat fish!" -, Sevilla insisted, Vicky returned to the load, shouts and more screams, and in the end the children left, talking in silver, crammed.

"On this second table, when you pass, there is fish that is horrible, because it is like that of a hospital ..." , Vicky sentenced and Sevilla ended up finishing off with a ... "and meatballs that are made with cow shit ! " . Even the judges had to get his attention, but Sevilla was already burned more than a churrero's stick.

"I understand that Vicky wants to win the contest, another thing is that he wants to win at all costs. I want to win it too, but not at all costs," said the singer to the cameras. "You are behaving very badly, very dirty," he criticized El Sevilla , while Vicky Martín Berrocal went Olympic from El Sevilla , the jury and everyone, and followed his own, to sell the meatballs. In the end, such was the anger of El Sevilla that he took the saucepan and began to distribute meatballs as well. The jury tried to cheer him up, but Sevilla was already beside himself. "The one that is going to roll up Sevilla ...", Pepe Rodríguez repeated, and he did.

"This is the witch in the story ... It is not worth playing so dirty. It is to throw in the towel. It is not a game, it is playing dirty . It is a bad player. It is one thing to play and another thing is to be such a bad person ", it continued erre that erre El Sevilla, while the children became blind of meatballs completely ignoring the fish. He finished the test and Vicky threw the last pulse, the last blow, a "rich chocolate candy!" which ended up finishing Sevilla.

Sevilla, expelled

The singer of the Mojinos Escozíos apologized to his team and Vicky Martín Berrocal. "I am ashamed of the show I have given to her and to the children," he said. "I was and I am about to throw in the towel. I think it is not my contest and it is not my day," he later acknowledged, dejected and with tears in his eyes. MasterChef Celebrity could with Sevilla, because as he said it was not the program for him. Not everyone fits and not everyone can with a talent that, although fun, accumulates a lot of tension and too much competitiveness. Ana García Obregón did not fit either - also with Vicky - and ended up being the first expelled; Sevilla could not last night with the pressure and also ended up being expelled from the night, I think more because he wanted to leave than because he did it wrong.

He took a risk with a rice, it was a "kamikaze," as Jordi Cruz told him, and he was wrong. His Stewart rice had no flavor, it was gone, it had no salt, the broth was not good ... Sevilla was brave, but risked too much. The sum of his night resulted in the expected disaster. It started badly, it got worse and ended up putting an end to its passage through talent . MasterChef Celebrity 'shattered' Sevilla, Vicky gave him the push and he ended up claudicating .

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  • Masterchef
  • RTVE

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