Teller Report

Maduro announced that he received “full support” from the military technical cooperation from Russia

9/26/2019, 11:17:16 PM

Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro said that Caracas received from Moscow "full support ... in all areas of military-technical cooperation."

“We have received the full support of Russia and President Vladimir Putin in all areas of military-technical cooperation ... Venezuela has one of the most advanced weapons systems in the world,” RIA Novosti quotes RIA Novosti.

He said that he discussed this topic with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

According to Maduro, Putin "reaffirmed the full support of Russia so that Venezuela could strengthen its defense capabilities, its weapons system to protect sovereignty and national peace."

Earlier in the Kremlin, a meeting was held between Putin and the leader of Venezuela.

During this meeting, Maduro presented Putin with a copy of the saber, which belonged to the national hero of the Latin American country, Simon Bolivar.