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Japan-Korea Foreign Ministers meet for the first time New York | NHK News

9/26/2019, 8:02:16 PM

As Japan-Korea relations deteriorated, the first meeting between Foreign Minister Motegi and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa (Kang Kyung-wa) was held. About "recruitment" ...

Japan-Korea Foreign Ministers meet for the first time September 27, 4:59, New York, USA

As Japan-Korea relations deteriorated, the first meeting between Foreign Minister Motegi and Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa (Kang Kyung-wa) was held. It seems that opinions were exchanged over issues related to “recruitment” and strengthening of export control in Japan, where Korea rebounded.

The first meeting with Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, the first foreign minister of Japan, was started at 3:30 am Japan time in New York.

Prior to the meeting, the two foreign ministers shook hands, but they did not smile and their expressions were stiff.

The talks lasted for approximately 50 minutes, and it seems that Mogi demanded that South Korea promptly correct the violation of international law on the issue of “recruitment” during the Pacific War.

Opinions also seem to have been exchanged on strengthening Japan's export controls, which the Korean side is repelling.

Regarding the relationship between Japan and South Korea, a discussion was held last week by the Directors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of both countries.

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