Teller Report

In the hydrometeorological center spoke about working weather signs

9/26/2019, 2:20:39 PM

Meteorologists, following an inspection of well-known in Russia, will conclude that only two of them can be trusted. This was reported by the supervisor of the Hydrometeorological Center Roman Vilfand.

“The first is that the red sun during sunset means that the day will be fine tomorrow, and if it is whitish it will rain and bad weather,” the weather forecaster TASS quotes.

According to him, the color of the sun is affected by the presence or absence of the frontal section - it separates the air masses, creating an optical effect.

“The second sign: if swallows or any other birds fly low, then it will rain,” said Villefand.

He explained this by the fact that at high humidity in the midges the wings get wet, and the birds are forced to decline to feed.

Earlier, climatologist Andrei Kiselyov, in an interview with NSN, urged people not to believe in signs.