Teller Report

Haaretz: Raafat Hagan Israeli spy discovered penetrating the Syrian leadership

9/26/2019, 10:03:30 PM

Netflix shortly released the September 6 spy show, which discusses the life story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen; controversy over what German philosopher Feltrod Sheffeldt, wife of Egyptian spy Raafat el Hagan, revealed that her husband revealed GA

Netflix shortly released the September 6 spy show, which discusses the life story of Israeli spy Eli Cohen; controversy over what German philosopher Feltrod Sheffeldt, wife of Egyptian spy Raafat el Hagan, revealed that her husband revealed Spy Eli Cohen, contrary to the Israeli version of the discovery that the discovery was the result of the disclosure of the broadcast of Cohen's transmission of Israeli intelligence.

Cohen had disguised himself as a Syrian immigrant from Argentina named Amin Kamel Thabet, and infiltrated the Syrian military leadership until he was exposed and executed.

Last week, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reprinted an earlier interview by Sheffieldt saying that "Raafat al-Hagan did not reveal his true personality until his death in 1982, and was known only from the television series aired by Arab television in Egypt." Included in his diary ».

"The memos revealed that Hagan had penetrated the Jewish community in Alexandria, then penetrated Unit 131 of the Israeli Intelligence in 1954, and befriended Marcel Nino, who was sentenced to jail, and was arrested on camouflage with Eli Cohen in the same case but was briefly acquitted," she said. Cohen will then travel to Argentina, to return to France and then to Syria, claiming that he is an Arab immigrant, according to a plan developed by Israeli intelligence, to be able to penetrate the Syrian society and state, and then reach the top of the political and military pyramid through an octopus network full of financial and women's temptations.

"Raafat al-Hajan discovered while traversing a train in Frankfurt, while browsing a newspaper, that the picture of the person underneath Amin Kamel Thabet and senior Syrian leaders inspecting military positions in the Golan (before the occupation) is just a picture," Sheffieldt said. The Jew Eli Cohen, who was arrested with him and knows him well, led to the haste to expedite and inform the Egyptian intelligence, which in turn informed the Israeli intelligence ».

The Haaretz, which re-published this novel again to recall its importance, that "the story of Cohen is still after decades filled with dozens of basic and secondary questions, including the way to reveal it," referring to the need to open his file from different angles.

The Israeli authorities recently decided to name a "huge compound" as Cohen, because of its importance, and sought three times to recover his body after his execution in Syria, but the Syrian authorities insisted that they did not know where the body.

It is noteworthy that the series «Spy» launched by the network «Netflix» on the story of the writers Uri Dan and Yeshiaho Ben Porat entitled «spy who came from Israel», comes after two films produced by the network, one entitled «angel» about the husband of the son of the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, Ashraf Marwan Israel insists that it was a double agent working for it, and the other is the film "The Spy that fell on the ground," and also presented a documentary series on the Mossad tournaments entitled "Inside the Mossad", as well as a film about The championship of the Mossad agents in the smuggling of Ethiopians to Israel, and was intransigent The «Red Sea Diving Resort».

Press sources attributed the secret of the production of «Netflix» Cohen's story, to renewed Israeli attempts to recover the remains of Cohen, and Israel's success in retrieving Cohen's watch recently, but other sources pointed out that the purely commercial motive behind the production of the story, especially since the stories of spy make tremendous profitability.

Eli Cohen: «The King of Private Nightlife»

The story of Egyptian Jewish spy Eli Cohen, who has penetrated Syrian society and reached its political and military summit through private nights and other methods, is a typical success story for Israeli intelligence (Mossad) and a stigma in the history of Arab societies.

Eli Cohen was born in Alexandria, Egypt on December 26, 1924 as Eliyahu Ben Shaul Cohen to a Shami family.He studied engineering at Cairo University, but did not complete his education.He was fluent in Hebrew and Arabic.

Cohen joined the Israeli spy network in Egypt, which was arrested in 1954 in the "Lavon scandal", which aimed to sabotage Egyptian-American relations after the rise of free officers led by the late leader Gamal Abdel Nasser to rule in 1952.

Israeli intelligence recruited Cohen to take on the role of Shami immigrant businessman in Argentina, as a Syrian Muslim named Kamel Amin Thabit, in an eight-month training in an apartment in Tel Aviv, hiding his travel to Argentina even from his wife, Nadia Cohen, and then planting it in Syria in a neighborhood. Aburmana in Damascus, where the Syrian army headquarters at the time, strengthened his relations with the economic, political, military elite and men of the Baath Party, through private nights he was staying in his house, and confidence to the extent that accompanied him by the military to the front lines, and to the extent of his candidacy for the post of Deputy Minister Defense, and his endorsement of the thinker and leader of the Baath Party Mi Yal Aflaq, and the military leader who later became President of the Republic Amin al-Hafiz, and even his active participation in the coup of March 8, 1963 through the establishment of a red evening for the leaders of the Syrian army, attended by the then Chief of Staff General Abdel Karim Zahr al-Din, according to Israeli accounts, but politicians and journalists who follow the Syrian affairs questioned the The exaggerations of the Israeli novel and the artistic works presented by it, considering the negative stereotyping of the Arabs as lustful, naive and easily rhythmic, also denied the exaggerations of the Israeli novel itself, which considered Cohen just a failed spy rhythm E.

- Cohen denies the role of a Syrian immigrant

From Argentina named Amin Kamel fixed, hacked

Military command until it was uncovered and executed.