Teller Report

For a snack for children, choose a "super simple snack" for industrial biscuits

9/26/2019, 7:44:21 AM

Better not to consume industrial biscuits & nbsp; every day, warns 60 million consumers. The nutritionist Raphaël Gruman advises to return to "super simple" snacks.

Better not to consume industrial biscuits every day, warns 60 million consumers. The nutritionist Raphaël Gruman advises to return to "super simple" snacks.


The 60 million consumers association has scrutinized the ingredients of 36 packages of biscuits. And the irrevocable conclusion is: regardless of the brand, it is better to avoid them on a daily basis. Raphaël Gruman, a nutritionist, explains to Europe 1 that it is better to focus on homemade biscuits or go back to basics.

Of the 36 cookies studied by 60 million consumers, 32 ecopent the letter E, the lowest score on the Nutri-Score scale. They are considered too sweet, too fat, and sometimes too salty. According to scientists, so do not eat every day, but only occasionally. "Consuming them on a daily basis could lead to overweight or obesity," warns Raphaël Gruman, a specialist in the management of overweight children and adolescents.

Additives and cancers

But that's not all. Some may contain up to 20 ingredients and more than a dozen additives. Components "that are deleterious to health and may eventually cause problems, including cancer, since we have a lot of additives and processed products," summarizes the doctor-nutritionist.

To taste it, it is better to choose biscuits and organic. "They're fat, but not necessarily too sweet, and what's interesting is the quality of the ingredients and the recipe, which is, we are going to say, a little closer to traditional recipes. flour, water, butter and they contain less additives, "says Patricia Chairopoulos of the magazine 60 million consumers .

"A quarter of a baguette and four squares of chocolate"

It is also better to slip in the schoolbag of his children homemade biscuits "because we will have much more basic ingredients: butter, flour, a little sugar, chocolate, healthy ingredients and that do not go not pose health problems if you consume it occasionally, "says the nutritionist.

And if we run out of time, it is better to turn to "a super simple snack", according to Raphaël Gruman. "A quarter of baguette, preferably tradition or a wholemeal bread and four squares of chocolate.The breakfast that was taken a long time ago and that has been proven," notes the nutritionist.