Teller Report

Crisis in the Amazon: Who are the indigenous friends of Bolsonaro?

9/26/2019, 10:41:39 AM

Jair Bolsonaro went out to dinner in New York adorned with an indigenous necklace. It was a gift from youtuber Ysani Kalapalo, invited to integrate the Brazilian delegation in the G Assembly

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Jair Bolsonaro went out to dinner in New York adorned with an indigenous necklace. It was a gift from youtuber Ysani Kalapalo, invited to join the Brazilian delegation in the UN General Assembly. The young indigenous woman was called by the Government with the aim of calming the spirits of the international community after the Amazon fire crisis and launching the idea that there are indigenous people who support Bolsonaro's environmental policy.

In the midst of the Amazon fire crisis, he recorded a video to defend the president: "There are many 'fake news' about the fire ... they are saying that it is the fault of the Bolsonaro Government, which entered and is burning the entire Xingu. No it is that. It is part of our culture to open fields to grow and plant cassava and other things, everything is not burning because a new government has entered (...) That is an exaggeration of the press, it is not the fault of the government, " He said. The video was published by the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with English subtitles.

Ysani, which is divided between the Tehuhungu village in the Xingu National Park and the urban life of Sao Paulo, was, until now, admirer of deputies on the left and defender of theses in favor of the preservation of the jungle. The young activist opposed the construction of the controversial Belo Monte dam that was promoted by former President Dilma Rousseff and militated in the Indigenous Movement in Action for at least 11 years, until, four years ago, she had an epiphany. She realized that "she repeated everything like a parrot", as she explains on her YouTube channel, where she has 270,000 registered. Now, suddenly, he embraces the developmentalist theses of Bolsonaro that until recently he was fighting.

In his speech at the UN assembly, Bolsonaro addressed his new friend, who was listening from the audience, when he announced that he was going to talk about the Amazon. After saying that it is a fallacy to affirm that the jungle is a world heritage site and the lung of the planet, the president warned that Brazil will not increase the area already defined as indigenous land to 20% of its territory, "as to some heads of State would like to ", and that many times, some leaders, such as Chief Raoni, are manipulated by foreign governments in their information war to defend their interests in the Amazon.

Chief Raoni Metuktire is an internationally respected Caiapó ethnic leader, and a few days ago his name was officially proposed as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, for his fight for the environment and the life of traditional communities. It was one of the names most praised by Ysani, and is now at the center of his criticism.

Bolsonaro also showed that his intention is to open the land to mining, and said that the Yanomami indigenous land is a territory full of gold, diamonds, uranium and rare stones the size of Portugal and "where only 15,000 Indians live."

From Brazil, indigenous leaders shouted in the sky to consider Ysani's presence the nth move of the ultra-rightist leader to delegitimize their claims, this time using one of their own. In a letter signed by 16 chiefs of the Xingu they criticized that the government did not respect the autonomy of the natives to choose their own spokesmen.

The indigenous leader Metuktire, in the Lower House of Brazil.EVARISTO SA

"The Brazilian Government offends the indigenous leaders of Xingu and Brazil by giving prominence to an indigenous woman who has been constantly acting on social networks with the sole objective of offending and demoralizing the leaders and the indigenous movement of Brazil (...) government now wants to legitimize its anti-indigenous policy sympathetic to its radical ideologies with the intention of convincing the international community of its colonialist and ethnocidal politics, "they lamented.

Indigenous farmers

From the UN stand, Bolsonaro also read a letter from the indigenous leader Jocélio Xukuru, from the Group of Indigenous Farmers of Brazil. The letter criticized "radical environmentalism and backward indigenism" and defended a new development model. The group consists of 60 indigenous peoples from seven Brazilian states, including Mato Grosso, the largest soybean producer in the country. These indigenous people defend being able to cultivate in their lands, but refuse to lease them to third parties.

The Parecis Indians are pioneers in large-scale mechanized cultivation. They cultivate industrially within their lands and market the products, which is prohibited by the Constitution but was possible thanks to an agreement between the Prosecutor's Office, the National Indian Foundation and the Brazilian Institute of Environment. The Parecis already cultivate 10,000 hectares, especially soybeans. The cooperative created by the indigenous people with the help of the Government estimates that in the next 50 years they can triple the extension of cultivated land.

In February of this year, the first national meeting of indigenous farmers was held in Mato Grosso, and the Government held it in style. The Minister of Environment, Ricardo Salles, the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina da Costa, the main maximum representative of the soybean producers of Brazil, the president of Aprosoja, Bartolomeu Braz, and parliamentarians of the rural 'lobby' attended. All posed for the photo smiling on a combine adorned with a feather headdress.

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