Teller Report

5 topics do not worry about talking about with your manager

9/26/2019, 10:59:28 PM

Being an employee does not mean that you are obliged to acquiesce to the company. In fact, workers who advance companies faster are those who defend their needs and demands, and build a strong and distinct personality.

Making demands for your boss can make you concerned. Rest assured, however, that expressing your opinions within a reputable company is perfectly acceptable.

Most organizations allow their employees to express their views on work, and this will not pose a threat or threat to their careers. In fact, silence can carry greater risks.

This is what the author William Aruda concluded in a report published in the American magazine Forbes, and reviewed topics that the employee should not be afraid to talk about with his boss.

When you realize that your job does not require eight hours in the office, you may need to request some flexibility in the timing of your work.

1. The desire to enjoy some flexibility
Life conditions do not allow you to always be available during working hours daily, and you will likely find yourself forced to go out to pick up your children from school, take your parents to the doctor, or do some special affairs. When you realize that your job does not require eight hours in the office, you may need to request some flexibility in the timing of your time.

You should expect what concerns your manager will have in mind that could be an obstacle to your application, such as how you will be able to accomplish your work? And the need to stay in touch with the rest of the team and prove that you are actually able to make up those hours when you are out of work.

Therefore, it is very important that you provide some effective and innovative solutions to your boss, such as working remotely or changing working hours, which will make it easier to convince.

You should expect your manager to fear and offer some effective and innovative solutions (Getty Images)

2. Get paid leave
Some employees or workers are ashamed when applying for leave, but they do not realize that not getting a break can cause great harm to themselves and the company itself.

Research by the Harvard Business School revealed that exhaustion costs about $ 190 billion in economic losses each year, as doing business and thinking is distracted and unable to concentrate.

In this case, you need to get enough rest to be able to return to work better and contribute to the success of your company effectively.

3. Request for personal work evaluation
Among the topics that the employee should not hesitate to ask his manager to get an evaluation of his work from time to time. To do this, you should choose the right time for an interview with your manager to express how you want to do the best for the company and your willingness to improve your performance.

The manager will then appreciate your desire, and will provide you with an assessment. Be sure to take the notes into account.

It is important to ask the company to provide a training program for the team, especially for new trainees (Pixabee).

4. Press for a training program
The employee needs to get trained by a specialist so that he can develop his skills and progress in his career. Therefore, it is important to ask the company to provide a training program for the team, especially for new trainees.

5. Request to expand your tasks at work
It is important that you seek to expand your business, and that you take the lead in the enterprise. If you are sure you have the skills to succeed, do not hesitate and take the opportunity, as this will help you in the future to be a strong candidate for promotion.