Teller Report

100% Emiratisation of leadership positions in Dubai Civil Defense

9/26/2019, 10:03:02 PM

Assistant Director General of Resources and Support Services, General Department of Civil Defense in Dubai, Brigadier General Jamal bin Adhed Al Muhairi, revealed that the percentage of Emiratization in leadership positions in the field of civil defense, administrative and supervisory in Dubai reached 100%, as part of a strategy implemented by the Department

Assistant Director General of Resources and Support Services, General Department of Civil Defense in Dubai, Brigadier General Jamal bin Aded Al Muhairi, revealed that the percentage of Emiratization in leadership positions in the field of civil defense, administrative and supervisory in Dubai reached 100%, within the framework of a strategy implemented by the Department systematically, based on the preparation and qualification Attracting citizenship cadres, investing in them properly, and directing young talents in vital sectors that have benefited from their expertise and qualifications until they held the highest leadership positions in departments and centers.

Al Muhairi said in a meeting on the issue of Emiratisation that the Department is continuously implementing the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and the leadership, pointing to the implementation of a package of plans and programs aimed at qualifying and training citizens to take over. Leadership functions, including “Internal Counselor Course, Smart Management, Future Trip in collaboration with Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government, Professional Diploma for Lecture Preparation, in cooperation with the University of Sharjah, and Professional Diploma of Artificial Intelligence”, all aiming at raising the capacity and competence of citizens Lee leadership positions at the level of civil defense departments in Dubai, and these courses and programs are designed for relevance to the reality and the needs of the functional.

He added that «the rapid growth in the resettlement of human resources in public administration is a sustainable strategic goal, which confirms the keenness to implement the directives of leadership, enabling citizens to fill basic functions and support in all departments and sections, and therefore we actively participate in various employment fairs organized at the government level Through a platform to promote jobs to citizens and work to attract them, we also offer them opportunities to apply through the official website ».

Al-Muhairi pointed out that the administration paid special attention to the female element, as a key partner in the sustainability of development and development processes, and was keen to enhance the role and presence of women in leadership positions, in various areas of civil defense, stressing the continuity of the same approach in building women's capacities, ensuring Expanding its developmental participation, promoting leadership and responsibility for all women in the present and future, and raising the status of women in general.

Regarding the specialized field of fire and rescue management, Al Muhairi stressed the high percentage of national firefighters in recent years in various centers, thanks to the policy of active recruitment and recruitment, due to the prestigious status enjoyed by the Dubai Civil Defense, in light of the experiences and successful experiences in the specialized field, pointing out that Non-nationals often occupy executive positions in technical workshops and support services, which positively affects the overall Emiratisation rate.

Raise the localization rates

The Assistant Director General of Resources and Support Services, General Department of Civil Defense in Dubai, Brigadier General Jamal bin Adhed Al Muhairi, stressed the importance of training as one of the most important development axes for various businesses, so Dubai Civil Defense adopted plans based on raising Emiratisation rates in the field of specialized training, after the completion of Emiratisation Basic training staff.

He pointed to the design of training programs that encourage the stimulation of innovation and solutions, adopt global best practices, and allow young citizens to take up important leadership positions.