Teller Report

«Amanah NBK» proposes an Arab law for the space sector in the Arab League

9/26/2019, 10:03:25 PM

The General Secretariat of the Federal National Council presented proposals for Arab indicative laws, including a proposal for a law for the space sector, during the seventh annual conference of the Association of Secretaries-General of Arab Parliaments, which concluded yesterday, at the Arab League, with the participation of the Secretary-General.

The General Secretariat of the Federal National Council submitted proposals for Arab indicative laws, including a proposal for a space sector law, during the seventh annual conference of the General Secretariat of Arab Parliaments Association, which concluded yesterday, at the Arab League, with the participation of the Secretary General of the Federal National Council, Ahmed Shabib Al-Dhaheri.

According to the explanatory memorandum presented by al-Dhaheri, the importance of the Arab guiding laws comes to activate the Arab legislative system, to serve as a legal reference for states and national legislations in Arab countries, to regulate their internal laws.

Al Dhaheri said: «The proposal to establish an Arab pilot law for the space sector, came in order to search for what is new, and to exploit opportunities in the light of a fourth industrial revolution, and contribute to the achievement of a competitive national economy based on knowledge, innovation and future technological applications, which integrate physical, digital and dynamic technologies ».

He added that «the proposal of the General Secretariat of the Federal National Council, comes as a result of the accelerated pace in the race of technology, science and research in the world, and the search for what is new, and investment opportunities in the light of the fourth industrial revolution».

He stressed the need for Arab countries to unify legislation to find best practices that will lead to achieve competitive economies based on research, knowledge, innovation and future technological applications, which integrate physical, digital and vital technologies, and access in the era of space industrialization and space exploration, pointing out that all this comes only from During the unification of laws, which in turn will be an effective tool to achieve the achievements and aspirations of Arab countries, to name a few, the General Secretariat of the Federal National Council proposes an Arab guidance law for the space sector.

He stressed the importance of the era of space industrialization and space exploration, in the context of the pursuit of economic, cultural and human development and its sustainability.

He explained that the talk of space laws is old, began since the first United Nations Convention on Outer Space in 1967, and joined by 103 States, and then followed four United Nations conventions between 1968 and 1979.

"There are a number of international organizations dealing with space laws, such as the International Telecommunication Union, as well as a number of regional organizations, such as the European Space Law Authority, not to mention the local laws that are spreading around the world, in addition to a large number of draft laws and laws," he said. However, the countries of the world still need to activate space laws and seek to unify their efforts to achieve harmony among them, especially in light of the chaos over the space laws governing this sector, which prompted a group of universities to work on a guide called Wom “It is a huge project that aims to gather, clarify and simplify all existing laws relating to space exploration, development and militarization.

`` In the United Arab Emirates, the Federal National Council, at its seventh session of the fourth regular session of the 16th legislative term (January 2019), approved a federal draft law on the regulation of the space sector, making the UAE one of the world's leading countries with legislation, '' he said. Integrated space laws and ambitious space program is the largest in the Middle East, based on the importance of the space sector and its technologies in the national economy, as it achieves the objectives of national strategies by establishing the frameworks and regulatory and legislative environment necessary to achieve stability and stimulate investment and recovery A nation in various space activities in the country ».

He pointed out that the draft law consists of 54 articles, all aimed at establishing a legislative framework governing the space sector to create an appropriate regulatory environment to achieve the objectives of the national space policy of the State, and the bill achieves four main purposes, including stimulating investment, and encourage the participation of the private and academic sector in the space sector and activities Support for the application of security, safety and environmental protection measures necessary to promote the long-term stability and sustainability of space and related activities, as well as support for the principle of transparency, and finally the State's commitment to the implementation of the provisions of international treaties and conventions Outer space, to which the State is a party.

The Secretariat of the Federal National Council of the United Arab Emirates believes that the development of an Arab pilot law for the space sector has become a future strategic priority for the Arab States, so as to work on the legislative, legal and regulatory frameworks for the peaceful exploration of space and the peaceful uses of space technology, and thus a unified Arab law that ensures coordination and action An integrated system that contributes to the peaceful global efforts for space exploration in the framework of the future and its concepts towards the optimal exploitation of the knowledge, development and economic opportunities provided by this sector.

Satellite images of public choice

Mohammed bin Rashid Space Center called on the public to submit their proposals and asked to take pictures from space, from UAE astronaut Hazza Al Mansouri, as the Center published a tweet on «Twitter», saying: «Ask for a picture of space, UAE astronaut Hazza Al Mansouri is ready to take a picture Of your choice, "he added:" Send your suggestions to images you want to see inside or outside the International Space Station, and the most beautiful suggestions will be selected. "