Teller Report

"When the Europeans are unable," Rouhani talks about the weapons of Saudi Arabia, the Houthis and dialogue with Washington

9/26/2019, 8:14:16 PM

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday talked about dialogue with Washington, Saudi Aramco's attack, Saudi arms and Houthi capabilities. He also discussed the extent of his country's commitment to the terms of the nuclear agreement and the European role in the current crisis.

At a news conference at UN headquarters, the Iranian president said he was ready to engage in dialogue with Washington if it stopped imposing preconditions and lifted sanctions on his country.

He noted that Tehran had released a US citizen as a gesture of goodwill, "but Washington did not reciprocate, but merely thanked."

"During my current visit to New York, we have not reached a solution on the dispute with the United States over the nuclear agreement," he said.

Regarding the extent of Tehran's commitment to the terms of the nuclear agreement, President Rouhani said, "We hastened to operate the new centrifuges prematurely."

Tehran refuses to abide by the terms of the deal after Washington withdrew last year.

He said that "our field is related to research and development, and we will not increase uranium enrichment," adding that "what was published about our violation of the nuclear agreement falls within the framework of the third step of our retreat from our obligations."

In the same context, the Iranian president revealed that the Japanese prime minister sought to intervene in order to lift US sanctions on his country.

Rouhani accused the United States of seeking through sanctions to create pressure and division between the people and the Iranian government, expressing hope that Washington will pursue a correct policy regardless of who rules Iran.

No effect
In a related context, Rouhani played down the importance of the US ban on visas for Iranian officials and their families.

He said the ban had no effect because "Iranian officials do not want to travel to America." "We only come here for the United Nations, something that America should not ban."

On the European role, the Iranian president said, "We have informed the Europeans that if they are unable to honor their commitments, we will reduce our commitments in the nuclear agreement."

He pointed out that "a European solution to the problem of the nuclear agreement was put forward, but upon reaching the stage of implementation it required US approval.

"When it comes to actions, Europe has shown its inability or unwillingness to maintain the nuclear deal," he said.

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Saudi Arabia and the Houthis
On the other hand, the Iranian president said that the United States, France, Britain and Germany should stop providing weapons to Saudi Arabia.

He called on all those who accuse Iran of the attack on Aramco; to provide evidence of those allegations.

Rouhani said the Houthis had capabilities and drones, and had previously launched attacks on Saudi Arabia, stressing that Iran had nothing to do with the attack on Aramco's oil facilities.

He expressed his readiness for a constructive dialogue among the countries of the region on security in the Strait of Hormuz and ending the war in Yemen. "We discussed in the General Assembly the peace initiative in the Strait of Hormuz."