Teller Report

Nordic football associations protest against Uefa: "Not acceptable"

9/25/2019, 12:53:15 PM

Uefa intends to change the European club team tournaments. But the plan for change does not suit the Nordic associations. "The ideas presented are not acceptable," they write in a statement.

From 2024, the European club team tournaments will change. Among other things, a new tournament (Europa League 2) will be introduced.

Among other things, Uefa's plans would mean that only the 15 leagues at the top of Uefa's rankings would fit into what is the current Europa League 1, which one can say corresponds to the current Europa League.

"A sporting imbalance"

Today, the Norwegian Football Association published a statement from all the Nordic football associations on its website. There, they criticize Uefa's plans.

“The Nordic Football Association supports the desire for reform, as we today observe a sporting imbalance both within the nations and on the continent caused by the current scheme. But we do not believe that the solutions that have now been launched solve these challenges, ”they write, and continue:

"The ideas of the future of the club team tournaments that have been presented are not acceptable according to the Nordic football associations' way of seeing it".

"Will damage players' health"

They have objections to things in all tournaments.

Champions League

According to plans, 24 out of 32 teams in the tournament will be guaranteed places regardless of the results in the domestic leagues. It does not like the Nordic unions, who write in their statement that "Generally speaking, we believe that the domestic leagues should be the most important factor in qualifying for CL".

They also believe that the idea of ​​changing it to eight teams in four different groups will mean too many macher. “It will damage the health and well-being of the players. Since the calendar is already very tight, it looks very tough to have room for all match days in the calendar, ”it says.

Europa League

Only the top 15 leagues are planned to be placed in the Europa League. It does not like the Nordic associations. "Europa League 1 should not be considered as a safety net for the larger federations, but should be open to all countries," they write.