Teller Report

Follow the Donald Trump press conference, subject to an impeachment procedure

9/25/2019, 7:50:15 PM

Attempted by a procedure of "impeachment", and after the publication of the contents of a conversation with the Ukrainian President, Donald Trump, who denounces "a witch hunt", speaks in front of the ...

Shortly after the White House published a transcript of a phone call between Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday, September 25, the US president gave a press conference in New York. This declassified transcript reveals that the American billionaire has asked his interlocutor to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.

US President considers himself "irreproachable" and denounces "a witch hunt"

The Democrats on Tuesday launched an investigation into how the president would have taken advantage of his position to try to harm his main rival, well placed to face it in the presidential election of 2020.

>> Read: Donald Trump has asked the Ukrainian President to investigate Joe Biden

>> Read: Understanding the Ukrainian case behind the "impeachment" procedure against Trump

>> Read: Why Democrats have finally succumbed to the temptation of "impeachment"