Teller Report

After the criticism: Danish handball league removes disputed rule

9/25/2019, 9:29:21 PM

The Danish Handball Association chooses to scrap the disputed rule where coaches could choose to question the verdict.

Ahead of the season, the Danish senior league in handball introduced a new system, where coaches could choose to challenge the referee's decision in the match. The rule received criticism, among other things by several Swedish profiles.

Now the Danish Handball Association chooses to remove the rule. The reason should be that the clubs in the high school have asked for it.

"It is a shame that we have come there, but now that the decision has been made, I think it is right," Per Bertelsen, chairman of the Danish Handball Association, told Danish TV2.

- We want to use the season to try and see if we can see something positive with this that we can take with us in the future.

However, the Danish league chooses to continue with the so-called "timeout button", which also received criticism.