Teller Report

Woodward does not plan to dismiss Solskjer from Manchester United

9/24/2019, 2:29:37 PM

Manchester United Executive Director Ed Woodward does not intend to dismiss team head coach Ole Gunnar Solskjaer due to a bad start to the season.

“We and our fans demand success. Success means winning trophies. This is our goal, Manchester United standards have never changed. Great progress has been made in terms of investment in the academy, scouting, training infrastructure, ”cites Woodward Manchester Evening News.

He noted that all these "investments" in the development of the club, as well as trust in the current coach of the team, will become the basis for future success.

“It's important to be patient while Ule builds a team for the future. We will continue to focus on a long-term strategy that is not affected by any short-term things, ”added the functionary.

According to the results of six rounds of this season, Manchester United is in eighth place in the Premier League standings, gaining eight points.

Earlier it was reported that Manchester United began negotiations to extend the contract with the football player Pogba.