Teller Report

The terrorist threat of independence

9/24/2019, 12:10:10 AM

The detention of nine persons linked to the Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR) accused of preparing violent actions, including the use of explosives against buildings

The detention of nine people linked to the Defense Committees of the Republic (CDR) accused of preparing violent actions, including the use of explosives against state buildings, confirms the violent drift of independence . In the records, the Civil Guard found material for the manufacture of Rubber 2 and the plan of at least one Civil Guard barracks in Catalonia. Interior Minister Fernando Grande Marlaska said that "the possible commission of a violent crime against certain organizations" is charged. All this proves that the violence of the CoR leads to a terrorist threat of extraordinary gravity that requires a firm response from the State . A response that, like the application of 155, Pedro Sánchez does not feel tempted to subordinate also to the electoral strategy.

The Prosecutor's Office said that it is collecting evidence on the advanced level of preparation of the "terrorist projects for secessionist purposes" of the detainees. Also accused of rebellion, if bomb manufacturing is demonstrated and the search for targets could face an accusation of terrorism. Nobody is hidden since the accumulation of assignments of the two great parties to Catalan nationalism, far from being conformed, has ended up encouraging a state of perpetual insurrection, more or less aggressive. But now we have separatist groups willing to attack. It is the consequence of decades of hate speech and manipulation spread by public and private speakers at the service of the sovereignty cause. The most embarrassing thing is that actions that put public order at risk are excused by a large part of the Catalan political class.

Quim Torra, the same who urged the CDR to "squeeze" and who boasted of his family's militancy in these radical groups, called the operation directed by the National Court "repression." And this despite the fact that the Generalitat appeared as an accusation against two of those arrested for belonging to the independence group Los 9 de Lledoners . Both are accused by the protest against the transfer of prisoners from the process to Madrid. Apart from Torra's cynicism, Sanchez cannot remain impassive in the face of the fact that the ordinary representative of the State in Catalonia disqualifies an action proper to any democracy . The operation arrives on the eve of the 1-O ruling, the effects of which are unpredictable. The threat of a quarry focused on violence is added to political unilateralism. The process was never a peaceful process or a smile revolution , but a movement aimed at breaking the law and suspending the rule of law in Catalonia. As much as it is in operation, the Government cannot speculate with security.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • CDR
  • Catalonia
  • Civil Guard
  • National audience
  • Madrid
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Quim Torra
  • Terrorism
  • Attacks
  • World
  • international
  • Editorial

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