Teller Report

The instagram account that denounces the passengers who sing

9/24/2019, 2:53:20 PM

An instagram account is dedicated to taking out the colors to that type of airliner that nobody wants to have at his side: the one who is barefoot or, worse, changes the baby's diaper on

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An instagram account is dedicated to taking out the colors to that type of airliner that nobody wants to have at his side: the one who is barefoot or, worse, changes the baby's diaper on the folding tray of the seat. One of the last cases he has collected is that of a couple who gave free rein to their passion in the bathroom of the plane, while the passenger queue grew in the hallway.

Created by a former flight attendant who calls herself Shawn Kathleen, Passenger Shaming was named one of the best 100 Instagram accounts by Rolling Stone magazine for her role in "exposing the most disgusting and inexplicable behaviors of passengers."

See this post on Instagram

Because the tag on board an airplane is not strict. Everyone wants to be comfortable at 10,000 meters high, but some people tend to relax in excess as we can see in some of the videos and photos of the account. There are truly amazing cases, such as that passenger who handles the touch screen with his foot ... without socks on.

Shawn Kathleen is careful not to criticize passengers, but their clumsiness, always with a sense of humor . Its nearly 983,000 followers have seen everything. There is that passenger who travels by plane with a miniature horse as an emotional support animal. Also that man who spends the six hours of the flight while his wife sleeps soundly occupying the entire row of seats.

See this post on Instagram

And that couple that last week decided to join the famous High Mile Club , that is, to have sex in the bathroom of the plane ... or at least that is what they think of all the passengers who are waiting in line in a video that has gone viral. "I thought it was a legend, I never thought High Mile Club was real," says one of those travelers in the queue when he sees two people leave the tiny bathroom.

Shawn Kathleen receives most of these videos in her mail. Many are from other flight attendants. "My favorites are those in which the passenger gets angry at the flight attendant because there are turbulence or because the plane has a mechanical problem," he says. Passenger Shaming started as a blog. Their stories were so tremendous that many did not believe them. Hence, I decided to create an instagram account in which everyone can contribute to tell the visual miseries that are observed in the sky.

So all travelers are advised: the plane is not the living room of your house. If you think you can do what you think because, in total, nobody knows you could end up in a Passenger Shaming post.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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