Teller Report

“For a day I gathered more subscribers than the whole Vitess: Slutsky continues to win sympathy in social networks

9/24/2019, 10:20:32 PM

Leonid Slutsky, the Russian coach of the Dutch Vitessa, admitted that the club’s employees are worried that his personal Instagram page is more popular than the team’s official account. 46 thousand users are subscribed to Vitess, while Slutsky’s page has already gained 176 thousand subscribers in a month and a half. At the same time, fans of the club from Arnhem are worried about the future fate of the coach and are looking forward to news about the signing of a new contract with him.

“I started Instagram for fun.”

Leonid Slutsky continues to conquer football Europe. Moreover, the ex-mentor of CSKA does this, not only being on the edge of the playing field, but also on the Internet.

Slutsky signed up for Instagram on August 9 and five days later he got an impressive army of fans from 80 thousand subscribers.

In total, for a month and a half from the moment of appearance on the network, the personal page of the trainer gathered over 170 thousand subscribers.

Slutsky pleases fans of his talent with ironic photos. The trainer tries on the masks of the hero of the horror film “It”, inserts a team photo into the scenery of the zoo and enters into dialogs with the players of the Russian team and even acts as the director of funny videos.

Very popular on the network is a video called "Dog Hypnotist 2". The Russian coach took a fragment of the show “Amazing People”, aired on one of the central channels, as the basis of the comic video show. In it, a puppy of the breed of Spitz allegedly hypnotized people. Slutsky removed his cover, in which, with the help of a pet, he euthanized the Berezutsky brothers, their children and wives.

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Hypnotist dog. Part 2😂😂😂

Posted by Leonid Slutsky 🇷🇺 (@ leonid.slutsky) Sep 21, 2019 at 10:09 am PDT

In addition, the trainer not only actively posts his own posts, but also communicates with other network users.

Slutsky's “blogging” talents did not go unnoticed by Dutch television employees. So, the 48-year-old specialist became the hero of one of the popular sports shows "In the car with Andy" on Fox Sports. During a casual conversation in a car, the host asked how the trainers from Russia react to such successes in Vitesse itself, to which he received an unexpected but very ironic answer.

“The employees of our media department told me that in one day I gathered more subscribers than the entire Vitesse’s official account (46 thousand - RT). They were very upset, but I immediately explained - guys, it's not my fault ( laughs ), I don’t know how it happened, ”said Slutsky.

At the same time, the trainer explained that a whole team is working on the development of club social networks, he also manages his account independently and in his free time.

“The fact is that they have been working on the Vitessa network for 4 years, and my indicators are higher in one day. He said that the fact is that Russia is just a very big country, ”Slutsky explained on Fox Sports.

The host Andy Van der Meide drew Slutsky’s attention to the fact that among his readers, a large percentage of European subscribers.

“I started Instagram for fun and to show everyone that we are coaches - completely ordinary people. I always say the same thing to my players - yes, you are professional footballers, but you are ordinary people, ”Slutsky explained the possible reasons for his popularity.

Reconciliation with the “worst judge of the world” and a new contract

Also, according to media reports? on the air of one of the talk shows on local TV, Slutsky finally officially settled the conflict with arbitrator Serdar Gezyubyuk. In April, the referee served the match “Vitessa” with PSV, in which he sent two penalties into the goal of the Russian team, including in extra time. After that game, Slutsky burst into an angry tirade and called Gezubyuk the worst judge in the world.

The emotional speech of the trainer later became a meme, and the trainer himself presented it in the form of rap.

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Learn.Learn @leweight 😂

Posted by Leonid Slutsky 🇷🇺 (@ leonid.slutsky) Aug 26, 2019 at 4:43 am PDT

However, the parties nevertheless came to reconciliation. Slutsky and Gezyubyuk talked live, after which they agreed to meet in person for a cup of tea or coffee.

At the same time, Vitessa fans are worried about the fate of the current coach of their favorite team. We are talking about a new proposal from the team from Arnhem, which, according to experts, Slutsky can get in the near future.

The current Slutsky agreement, signed in March 2018, is designed for only two years, while official information on the extension of the contract or the signing of a new, expanded proposal has not yet been received.

The Russian media widely discussed the news about the possible signing of a three-year contract, which appeared on the network after a post on Twitter by one of the Dutch fans. However, local reporters and official club accounts have not yet confirmed this information.

According to the results of six matches of the Dutch championship, the team from Arnhem scored 14 points and is in third place in the standings, behind the leading “Ajax”, as well as PSV only in additional indicators.