Teller Report

Zhurova considers it premature to talk about removal from the Olympics 2020

9/23/2019, 1:17:25 PM

Olympic champion in speed skating and State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova commented in a conversation with RT about the situation where Russians could not be allowed to participate in the 2020 Olympic Games because the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) revealed inconsistencies in the data from the Moscow laboratory.

“It's premature to talk about it. Even if they remove the same RUSADA, explaining this by the fact that some violations were made while it is not related to the athletes. Again, we understand that the same epic will begin, which was before ... Probably, they can again make some separate decisions, if this is proved. For example, the Athletics Federation has problems, and the Speed ​​Skating Federation has no problems, that is, they will make concrete decisions in three weeks what to do with it, ”Zhurova RT said.

Previously, she expressed an opinion about the situation around RUSADA and the manipulation of data from the Moscow laboratory.