Teller Report

WADA: data on positive samples removed from the base of the Moscow laboratory

9/23/2019, 2:59:19 PM

Jonathan Taylor, head of the World Anti-Doping Agency's (WADA) Compliance Committee, said that some positive doping samples had been removed from the Moscow database of the anti-doping laboratory.

“Positive results have been removed; the question is why. We will give them a chance to explain themselves, ”RIA Novosti quoted Taylor as saying with reference to The New York Times.

According to him, the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) needs some incredible way to find explanations to avoid sanctions.

Earlier, a number of media outlets stated that the discrepancies between the two databases were allegedly formed as a result of the hacking carried out by the Russian side and further manipulations.

On September 23, WADA initiated an expedited review of the RUSADA mismatch issue due to identifying discrepancies between LIMS and data extracted from the Moscow laboratory.

WADA gave RUSADA and the Russian Ministry of Sports a period of three weeks starting September 17 to provide explanations for the inconsistencies found and to answer a number of questions addressed to them.

Earlier, the head of WADA spoke about the situation around RUSADA.