Teller Report

The Federation Council evaluated the declaration of the United States and Poland on military cooperation

9/23/2019, 7:41:14 PM

Member of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Sergey Tsekov commented on RT signing by the Presidents of the United States and Poland Donald Trump and Andrzej Duda of a declaration on expanding military cooperation between the two countries.

“The United States is not guided by the desire to maintain peace and tranquility. They want to come close to Russia, and Warsaw is the most coveted ally for them in this matter. If the Polish leader really assessed the situation, he would have refused this cooperation. Now, Poland is a bridgehead for the United States. But it threatens its own territory, ”the senator believes.

Tsekov also noted that in the modern world it is necessary "to seek compromises, and not to escalate the arms race."

“The actions of the United States bring the world closer to confrontation. And Poland became their vassal. But the future generation of this country will not positively assess such a position, ”he said.

Earlier, Trump and Duda signed a declaration on expanding military cooperation between the two countries.

The declaration concerns the expansion of the American military contingent in Poland.

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